1. muddy_coward

    Important Insurance Information for Landyzone members

    I had the same - they told me they only insured standard cars and as my 110 CSW had 10 seats they couldnt insure it. If I took 4 seats out then it would be ok though. Admiral Multi Car were fine.
  2. muddy_coward

    Stolen Landrover problem

    On my drive, boxed in by cars, rubbish, spare parts, tractor trailer etc I have taken a 'Home Alone' style of security - ie anyone would think the landy is boobytrapped.. 1..Make your way over the piles of clay that have fallen from underneath the landy since the last off roading...
  3. muddy_coward

    Pay and play at Slindon Saffari 27th November

    Did anyone else go to Slindon today? Had a great day, stuck mainly to the white routes though ventured off a few times, had a few scarey moments, a few quicker than expected hill descents and some submarine impressions, without a snorkel. Really enjoyed my first PnP outing, and despite a few...
  4. muddy_coward

    Pay and play at Slindon Saffari 27th November

    I'm thinking of going there myself. If I do would love to meet up with guys there, am a complete novice so will probbaly be sticking to white routes though.
  5. muddy_coward

    Picadilly Wood

    I've not been but have thought about it as its my closest pay and play, I have heard that is a bit full of 'ooligans, quads steaming around at full speed etc, dont know how true this is but as a noob its enough to put me off. Be interested in other peoples experiences there.
  6. muddy_coward

    First Time Off Roading Experience

    When I bought my 110 the seller for some reason dropped the price by £1000 just as I was about to buy it. This has meant that everything I've wanted to buy has been ok cos 'I'm a £1000 up', I reckon that £1000 has well and truly gone but I've still got a huge shopping wish list :)
  7. muddy_coward

    First Time Off Roading Experience

    Yep youre right. Mine was the least modded there, although a bit modded since I seem to have crushed my side steps :) Maybe I'll start with a snorkel and by this time next year it'll be a bob tailed tray back with an external roll cage and a V8!! But now I want some rain so I can get more MUD.
  8. muddy_coward

    First Time Off Roading Experience

    Yesterday I finally did it and had my first off roading day and absolutely loved it. Was astonished at how capable my 110 was going up and down hills that I thought would have me in a crumpled heap at the bottom. I think this was more due to the vehicle and to the on site guidance but I'm...
  9. muddy_coward

    Does you defender ever jump out of low/high ratio?

    Thanks, you are Professor Land Rover! So basically once it is selected properly it should stay in. So as long as I dont get to a precapice before selecting low I should be safe enough. I did do a course last week where the instructor told me I could engage diff lock and disengage whilst...
  10. muddy_coward

    Does you defender ever jump out of low/high ratio?

    Sometimes I put it into low ratio and when I pull off it jumps back into neutral and I have no drive. I am guessing that its because its not fully engaging and have found that if I have it in gear and bring the clutch up slightly then low ratio seems to engage better. Is this 'normal' - my...
  11. muddy_coward

    Defender as a daily...

    I'm in a similar situation.. I have a BMW 320d Touring which is 'fine' economical etc So I bought my 110 as a second car expecting to use it just at weekends, off roading, snow etc. Trouble is I love it so much that rather than battling along at xx(x) mph in the BM I prefer to gurgle...
  12. muddy_coward

    Greenlaning nr Guildford?

    Don't let it put you off cos I'm all waxoyled up and raring to go . Am going to Boxgrove next weekend I think but any time your planning another trip let us know..
  13. muddy_coward

    Waxoyl Treatment Recomendations Surrey/Sussex/Kent

    Yes it is definately a nice feeling. I keep kneeling down and looking underneath to admire the new paint job - looks better than the oxidising green on the body! Looks like you've got a great set up there and it looks great. Am so glad I didnt put pics up, the mounds of waxoyl laden...
  14. muddy_coward

    Waxoyl Treatment Recomendations Surrey/Sussex/Kent

    No matter how many times I jet washed and scrubbed I kept uncovering areas where potfulls of mud had collected. I used black most places and clear inside the rails. I found the gun spray had a good range and coverage and got on top of the rails fine.
  15. muddy_coward

    Waxoyl Treatment Recomendations Surrey/Sussex/Kent

    Yes all done. Actually I probably only used 10% white spirit inside the chassis box sections but the weather was hot, the now waxoyled black chassis was hot and the waxoyl was water and sun heated. I was struggling with the poxy piece of plastic tube that came with my schultz gun so I just...
  16. muddy_coward

    Tow Bar for Off Road Recovery

    Thanks peoples, I'll see if I can get away with sticking one of the front jate rings onto the back until I get a chance to buy some more. Hadnt thought about tow bars letting go, can imagine it would be pretty nasty.
  17. muddy_coward

    Tow Bar for Off Road Recovery

    Another noob question so get ready to roll eyes... The 'gentleman' who sold me the land rover advertised it with a brand new tow bar but when I turned up to pick it up it was at 'his workshop' and he would courier it to me. 1 Month and 20 odd phone calls later and no tow bar :mad: So anyway...
  18. muddy_coward

    Waxoyl Treatment Recomendations Surrey/Sussex/Kent

    Quick question tho.. Should I be waxoyling the underside of the body or is this alloy anyway? I mean the flat floor of the body above the chassis rails/transmission etc?
  19. muddy_coward

    Waxoyl Treatment Recomendations Surrey/Sussex/Kent

    Damn you are more oganised than me! Have jet washed underneath twice, degreasing in between. Have 10 litres of black waxoyl, compressor and gun, just waiting for a 1 litre can to arrive so i can start spraying. Still need a final brush for any remaining loose stuff. Weather is really warm...
  20. muddy_coward

    New Poly Bushes - Advantages

    OK, complete noob question here so go easy on me :) When I got my '02 TD5 110 last month the seller said that if he had kept it he would have a) waxoyled it and b) put some new poly bushes on it. I'm doing the waxoyl bit but I'm wondering about the bushes as I have to say the...