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    Letter @ missing on Key Bo@rd

    Wh@ts so ****ing funny,I @sked for some help.Gr@tch,kiss my @ss. Ken,in P@n@m@
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    Letter @ missing on Key Bo@rd

    Hello,Every one. M@ybe one of you c@n help me with this.@fter removing my C@V Pump,@nd re-inst@lling,My Fuel Shut off Control,when pulled from in the C@b,SPEEDS UP my Engine.I took off the the Lever @gin,@nd turned the Sh@ft with Pliers. Turning the Sh@ft Clockwise,which is the w@y it would go...
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    Ken in Panama/CAV Pump.

    Hey,everybody.Sorted out my problem with the CAV Pump.I took all your advice and slowly worked my way forward,from the Fuel Tank.And would'nt you know it,the last try on getting it to run and not Die was having a good look at a Funky looking Cork Gasket,on the side of the Injector Pump,theres a...
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    1972 Series111Diesel Problem

    Hey,also...Whats the deal with Land Rover using this Heat Shrink Plastic Fuel Lines through-out the System???It seems to be durable as Hell though.Ken
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    1972 Series111Diesel Problem

    Bustersbus,pef77... Gotcha.Right now I have all the Doors open,Hood up,Drying out from a Monsoon Rain we had most of the Night.Another Cupa Cupa and I'll give it a Go.You guys are nice to have around.Ken in Panama
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    1972 Series111Diesel Problem

    Hello,everyone.Would you Please go over to "Engines" and have a look at my Post,I really could use some help.Ken in Panama.
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    1972 Series111Diesel Problem

    Hello,Again,Ken in Panama.I'm trying to sort out a Fuel Supply Problem.I was supposed to be at the Border Yesterday.I moved from Costa Rica and still carry C/R Plates,since the Government does'nt want/like any Vehicles older than 10 years on the Road,They imposed a $1500 new Plate Fee.Plus...
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    I guess you'd call it a Brotherhood

    Thank you all for Responding..Ken,Volcan,Panama...I don't see the EDIT Button,to remove my Cries from the Wilderness
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    Laroguz.Was that message meant for me? stoneshirt

    Laroguz.Was that message meant for me? stoneshirt
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    Help with Diagram. CAV Pump.

    Steve. I don't know if I'm Posting correctly.Please find this.Ken Thanks.stoneshirt@yahoo.co.in
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    Help with Diagram. CAV Pump.

    Bromsgrove Defender. Thank You,all those Images seem to be for a Horizontal Mounted Pump,which is not correct for my 72 Type 111 Diesel.Ken
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    Help with Diagram. CAV Pump.

    Steve. Thank you for the quick Reply.stoneshirt@yahoo.co.in
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    Help with Diagram. CAV Pump.

    Hello All.I really need to see a Exploded Diagram of the CAV Pump. Been trying to solve a Fuel problem,with my 72 Type 111 Diesel.And when I opened up the Fuel Line Banjo Fitting at the Pump,to clean that little Filter,all the little Springs and Bits popped out onto the Ground,and I don't know...