1. ron/liz

    The End At Last

    HI Guys just to let you know that after 2 head failures and lots of other repairs with a total bill in 30 month of £3,400 ish I have got rid of my freelander. To anyone reading this thinking of getting a 1.8 Petrol please please go for TD. I took all the advise i could listened and read every...
  2. ron/liz

    In for a penny in for a few quids

    Nice looking hippo i think the final drive must be changed if swapping to diesal do a search on this site one of the lads is having a go but think there are lots of problems not sure about H/G cure only had mine done on Monday of this week think some of the lads have done about 9000 since H/G...
  3. ron/liz

    tyre pressures

    mine were at 26 but thought the steering was heavy asked around a few lads and what i remember from having a few landys before took mine up to 34 steering fine now and i have done over 9000 miles tyre wear is also fine 1.8 2001 5 door.
  4. ron/liz

    H/G checked and checked again

    Yes I heard this before but as the head was of no use unskimmed i had no choice I have spoken to lots of garages about it and almost all said they would skim it anyway. I would not normaly bother unless it was like mine and realy needed to be done plus I could only get one at £300 and this had...
  5. ron/liz

    H/G checked and checked again

    Hi all been a while since my H/G went been using other car whilst i battled and lost with the garage any way got a mate to do the H/G the old one was well knacked top right side almost gone totaly. Fitted new type plus head bolts also skimmed head took us 5 hours in total with no problems at...
  6. ron/liz

    H/G checked and checked again

    Hi all just signed up but been looking at this site for well over a year now. Always wanted a freelander and I went for a 1.8 2001 Station wagon model 31,000 on the clock. That was 13 months ago before I paid for it I got the garage to do a compresion check and sniff check, after reading all...