Gimp my ride

New Member
Got the wife a 2000 1.8 station wagon with 56k on the clock so guess I'll be here a for tips and stuff:eek:. Im going to ask about the gasket stuff again....yawn am I right in thinking that once the gasket,and remote thermostat are fitted this cures the HGF problem? also what other parts are needed/ I'm also weiging up (if I can depending on price) swapping to a TD4 engine if I can get one cheap enough if so can I keep the gearbox and will new engine mounts be needed/harness's etc?

welcome to the club mate.... looks like a clean ride.
no nowt about the engine bits im afraid, im know there are loads of peeps on here that can help with that lot , .

out electrical tho, alarms , audio etc feel free to ask.

Cheers Bud,
One thing I did notice that the clock wasnt working however it's got an aftermarket Cd player in it so would I be right in thinking that the clock was conected via a block/harness to the oringal head unit fitted?

Apart from a vv small amount of rust on the back door(edge of door behind spare wheel) and a scratch on the side it looks mint
no the clock is a clock. very temprimentel mine had condesation in it , it only tells the hour!!!! ( Ware a watch ) ive not had time to souce another yet.
the binnical surround pops off and there are 2 screws behind, undo and see if its bin disconected, check the fuses to , i THINK its on the same feed for the 12+ for the audio , or courtsy lights
Nice looking hippo i think the final drive must be changed if swapping to diesal do a search on this site one of the lads is having a go but think there are lots of problems not sure about H/G cure only had mine done on Monday of this week think some of the lads have done about 9000 since H/G job guess we will all find out in about 30000 miles or so.
good luck and welcome.
If you do go for a new clock beware of some of the ones on ebay.

many of them say they are fo numerous rovers and freelander. they will work but they light up orange (as in rover cars) rather than green as in the freelander.
Since I fixed my clock/radio display the way described by ????? (with the 6à7 layers of insulation tape on it, to be cut ouf carefully afterwards) my display is still working better than new.
just spoke to a friend of a friend and he told me the the guy a Simmons Commercials is a landy nut. i don't know him but a have seen his rides.
from what i gather they look after all the army fleet of landys as well as the big stuff 7.5 tonners and above. hope this helps

good luck


Simmons Commercials
Clarke Street
Poulton Business Park
Poulton le Fylde
Tel: 01253 884521
Fax: 01253 890405

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