1. J

    Battary light dims but wont go out

    Just to let you know sorted all running well for a 20 year old .. and thanks again for all the tips they really helped
  2. J

    Battary light dims but wont go out

    well I've ran the tests you all advised and short of referb'ing the alternator I can't find the porb' so I've ordered a new alternator thanks for all the help
  3. J

    Battary light dims but wont go out

    Oooops 2.8k rpm I always miss the point
  4. J

    Battary light dims but wont go out

    well thanks again everyone you've given me a lot to look at before buying an alternator, I'll let you know the result after I work on your advice that's if the rain holds off. sadly my house sits 2ft below street level so I have no off road work space
  5. J

    Battary light dims but wont go out

    I will give it a try but if the charge rate back to my battery is fine (and the battery has been tested and is also fine) it puzzles me why my headlights are dying
  6. J

    Battary light dims but wont go out

    thanks lads, firstly I should have said its a 1994 Vogue tdi and I'm only getting 14.5 at 28k rpm at idle I'm getting around 13.3v charge and yet my lights are dying after half an hour but I will look at your suggestions thanks again
  7. J

    Battary light dims but wont go out

    Hi all sorry been a long time hope you all had a good christmas and new year. I'm just about to buy a new Alternator but I wont to run it by you guys 1st, my battery light dims when I rev up bit it don't go out I have put a volt tester across the battery and I'm only getting 14.5v charge...
  8. J

    In need of major makeover

    I've found there more of a project than a car .. thanks for the heads up i'll give them a look
  9. J

    In need of major makeover

    Hi all I'll get strait to the point.. Im looking to find some part as cheep as pos to restore a 1994 RR Vouge TDI. Im looking for a Offside frount floor pan and both offside and nearside sills... Can any body help or point me in right direction
  10. J

    Anti theft nut

    Hi all Have a bit of a prob: Need to get to my frount brakes but the wheel has an anti theft nut and i dont have the adapter so short of attempting to chisle it off im out of ideas can anyone surgest anything that wont butcher the anti theft nut. (FYI) the nut is castleated with a singal...
  11. J

    Finding Parts

    thanks all
  12. J

    Finding Parts

    Can anyone post me a link or give me the name of a good online site for parts I cant seem to find what i need anywere (Handbrake Cable 94 vouge 200tdi)
  13. J

    Handbrake wont release

    Thanks worked it out after i posted it and found that my brake peddle went to the floor new cable for me then and a new earth strap thanks gang love the help
  14. J

    Handbrake wont release

    How has that effected my handbrake not releaseing and what was the burning plastic smell (doe! prob my brain)
  15. J

    Handbrake wont release

    Afternoon all I have a little prob with my handbrake on a 1994 Vouge the otherday when i was turning it over i could smell burning plastic and smoke coming up from the handbrake the i found that the handbrake would not release. i have located the problen to just under the leaver to what look...
  16. J

    1994 Vogue TDI

    Thanks for all the help you've given me .. but i have a new prob (well question realy) Taking the on here i have dowloaded "RAVE" only to find that the 1994 Vogue tdi is not in the list, it goes from 1987 to 1983 then jumps 1995 onwards, I have been informed that this was a V8 convertion is this...
  17. J

    lost newbee

    The links were taking me to a blank screen going to try later...Got it this time just need to un zip it thanks again
  18. J

    lost newbee

    I'll keep trying to download it but might have ti get back to you and take up you offer of a cd big thanks
  19. J

    lost newbee

    Can't seem to download RAVE ther site just keeps giving me a blank page
  20. J

    lost newbee

    Not a daft question but yes i have