1. Craig SA

    New and concerned

    My td5 auto does exactly the same. It is uncomfortable to rest your leg against it. I drive with the aircon on and blowing through the vents next to the legs so that the heat is reduced. Must be some heat shield or something that was 'forgotten' on some friday afternoon cars!!!
  2. Craig SA

    Air Springs

    Should the compressor be hot to the touch after driving a long distance. I would think the compressor would not be operating unless you are raising the suspension??? Any ideas here?
  3. Craig SA

    Air Springs

    I have the same 'pssshhhhh' sound often when I turn off the car. Would love ot know if this is normal???
  4. Craig SA

    ABS/HDC/SL Warnings all on

    Thanks - did check the 2 earth points last night - all seems fine. I have booked her in to be checked out in 2 weeks time - lets see what they say.
  5. Craig SA

    ABS/HDC/SL Warnings all on

    Sorry to dig up this old thread. I have just experienced the same problem. The lights stay on and do not go off when the ignition is restarted. The ABS DOES work - surely that means the modulator and sensors are fine???? Where are the sensors located and can they only be checked by a...
  6. Craig SA

    TD5 Auto. What MPG do you get.

    I have just bought myself a 2002 Td5 Auto. I drove it 600km at about 120km/h. Ended up getting 8.5km/l or 20mpg. Not that good judging by the above replies!!! I'll have to look into it.
  7. Craig SA

    Stuck in the mud in my TD5

    I would take the vehicle to LR to have a look at it. Read this article - it is from a chap in South Africa - he is known as quite a 4x4 guru. His experience with TC sounds similar to yours. =351"]http://www.4xforum.co.za/?showitems&global[mymenu_id]=351 Hope it helps. Ps - Not all...
  8. Craig SA

    Facelifting my Discovery...... Help please

    Hello all, Does anyone have any idea if the 2003 facelift light (the cluster type) will be a straight swap into a series II??? eg: This: into this:
  9. Craig SA

    Converted to a disco!

    Hello all, I eventually decided to buy myself a discovery after many months of questioning and wondering. So it is with me now. A 2002 Td5 XS (Middle spec in SA with SLS and the like). I am very happy with it at this stage (other than the fact that I just found out I do not have the CDL...