1. F

    Bulkhead vents

    Sorry it's been awhile since I posted, I have been in class. I will post a photo shortly. But what I have is a D90 V8 Sadi Arabian version. It came a stock aircon so it never had vents. That aircon is no longer working and due to lack or parts There is a small Aircon unit in the pass area
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    Bulkhead vents

    The external vents
  3. F

    Diff too high?

    Just to let you all know that they did change the transfer box from a Disco.
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    Bulkhead vents

    My 1987 Land rover never came with bulkhead vents, its was the stock air-con verson. anyway, im getting a new dash installed and would love to have the land rover style vents. Does anyone know where I can find the hole kit with every thing needed to install, thank you Chris
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    Brake upgrade

    I have a 1987 D90 3.5 v8. last year it had both axles replace from a newer disco. So I have 4 disc brakes. In a few months I'll be doing a full over all including installing a 4.0 v8. Question is, Can I upgrade the brakes to Abs giving me a TC, controlled form a switch in the cab...
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    D90 guy needs help

    Here is a D90 with a SIIa style dash
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    D90 guy needs help

    This is what im looking for, I need the dimensions of the dash itself. So i can get it Fabricated Thanks Chris
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    D90 guy needs help

    I live in the Kuwait. I own a 1987 land rover d90. After 25 years in the middle east the middle east my dash is trashed. It's really hard to get spare parts out here. so I would like to put at SIIa style dash instead. What I need help with is, I'm looking for blue prints, diagram or dimension...
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    Land Rover IIa dash

    No worries. But good idea, I'll check with the SIIa forums guys
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    Land Rover IIa dash

    Parts are hard to find out here and I haven't see a IIa since I was a little kid. So all I have to go off is picks. I can get it fab here for pretty cheap but I would love to give the guy plans, or a drawing to go off of
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    Land Rover IIa dash

    Thank you, I already have many photos of what a IIa dash looks like, i even have photos of what a IIa dash would look like in a D90. What i dont have and looking for is the dimensions and even possible plans/blueprints of a IIA dash so i can get it fab. Chris
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    Land Rover IIa dash

    My after 25 years in the middle east my D90 Dash is trash and its hard to get a new one here. For now im going to give it a Land Rover SIIa look. Does any one know where blueprints for a IIa dash? I cant seem to find any info on it anywhere thanks for your time Chris
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    Diff too high?

    Im still going to check tomorrow, but does the older range rover have the same transferbox?
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    Diff too high?

    Im on duty untill tomorrow morning, I will check it first thing tomorrow and let you all know. Thank you all Chris
  15. F

    Diff too high?

    Thats the problem that i have, the gear ration is too high. Is the older disco transfer box the same?
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    Diff too high?

    Im going to check tomorrow but you may be right. If it is a Disco Transfer Box, how would i fix it? Is it as easy has just changing some gears or do i have to change the hole transfer box? Does the disco have locking Diff?
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    Diff too high?

    I live and work in Kuwait, I own a 1987 Land Rover Defender 90 V8, The last owner of the Defender change both axles with 2007/8 Land rover Discovery axles. I don't know for sure, but i believe that year model(08/7) has a higher Diff gear ratio, because 1st feels like I'm starting in 2nd. Is...