1. Tink

    Where do you live?

    :hysterically_laughi very good :D
  2. Tink

    Where do you live?

    Hi Burnley ,Lancashire :)
  3. Tink

    Auto or Manual....no clear winner.

    Its not a easy choice , i have been looking and there's a lot of auto's out there .... im a manual man as a rule but ive been told the auto box is a dream when towing ( which is what i need )but what are they like on the slippy stuff as you cant feather the clutch ???? good luck with choice :-)
  4. Tink

    Hello (again)

    Cheers for that Hunter ,,, Landyboy :)
  5. Tink

    Hello (again)

    Cheers guy's :)............. Whats a argyll Hunter ?
  6. Tink

    Hello (again)

    Cheers basher :)
  7. Tink

    Hello (again)

    Lol ......
  8. Tink

    Hello (again)

    Evening all i joined this forum back in 2007 when i was looking at getting a disco for towing but after taking one for a test drive the mrs said she couldn't drive it (too big):( ..... anyway the urge to get one hasn't left me and i am again starting to look round again ;) .... i look forward to...
  9. Tink

    Made me laugh

    I know this has nothing to do with the landys, but it made me laugh:D
  10. Tink

    Thanks landyzone

    cheers guys! :D Like you say i will prob. be back ,as i cant see myself lookin out of the window at a ugly jap 4x4.( no offence intended toThe Mad Hat Man);)
  11. Tink

    Thanks landyzone

    [/COLOR] lol,:D good point about the forums,they are a place were people come to get help with problems. i think its time for test drives and alot of hard thinking. thanks to all for theyre comments.
  12. Tink

    Thanks landyzone

    yes i understand all cars have problems, i think its more a matter of the cost involved in sorting some of these problems. I already knew about the k series engine and its hgf, but the model i was intrested in was the td4,and i must admit i was suprised by some of the faults , and that alot of...
  13. Tink

    Thanks landyzone

    I found this site yesterday , after months of persuading my mrs that we should get a 4x4 for towing the caravan she final agreed , and said that she liked the way the FL (gaylander, lol ) looked, and i must admit i thought it wasnt too bad, and not too big to use on a daily basis. But after a...