
New Member
Evening all i joined this forum back in 2007 when i was looking at getting a disco for towing but after taking one for a test drive the mrs said she couldn't drive it (too big):( ..... anyway the urge to get one hasn't left me and i am again starting to look round again ;) .... i look forward to any advice you may wish to give me on the right model and what to look out for !

Cheers Ian.
Evening all i joined this forum back in 2007 when i was looking at getting a disco for towing but after taking one for a test drive the mrs said she couldn't drive it (too big):( ..... anyway the urge to get one hasn't left me and i am again starting to look round again ;) .... i look forward to any advice you may wish to give me on the right model and what to look out for !

Cheers Ian.
Welcome back. You could try a mail order bride. Czechs and Moldovans are sposed to be nice ;)
:welcome: to the mad house, have a search around on here fella, plenty of buying guides and what have you, anything specific you want to know, then ask away;);););););););)
someone on here once said and i quote

"Argyll was a limited addition. 600 were made from June 1997 based on the S model but with dished alloy wheels in either Oxford Blue or Woodcote Green colour plus some badges and that's about it. The Argyll still had the usual disco options list."

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