1. sirwingalot

    All the gear no idea. need to tell someone.

    Nice one mate! Well done. Another victory for the oval!
  2. sirwingalot

    One light brighter than t'other

    I had this. Ran a new earth and replaced the bulb connectors. No electric knowledge required to fix, and bulb holder are only a few quid off the bay of e. Simple fix buddy, don't worry! :)
  3. sirwingalot

    Surrey Capel 4x4 Autojumble H4H

    went last year, was great! looking forward to it.
  4. sirwingalot

    Fuel fixing price scandal breaking

    I'd like to see it, but I wont believe it till I see it!
  5. sirwingalot

    Spotted this for sale

    Check the tires.... see if they're melted, what with how hot the motor is.
  6. sirwingalot

    Mirror "dangly"

    I like it. Don't like the "one life" rubbish. Always though LR's pr department was a bit desperate to try that one.
  7. sirwingalot

    Welding woes

    :) :) :)
  8. sirwingalot

    Welding woes

    As i said, i really need a welder, so i'm hanging on to the SIP till the Sealey arrives. Then I'll happily take offers. :) However, I notice your at the other end of a very long country to me. Will it be worth the courier or the driving required for you?
  9. sirwingalot

    Welding woes

    I dont think it is anything to do with the duty cycle. The unit has an on board fan and work quite well at low ranges. The welder works well when welding very thin metal. But anything 0.8 and up, it only works for maybe 2 minuets tops before starting to stack and spit. It will do that even from...
  10. sirwingalot

    Anyone in East Sussex - Heads Up!

    Loads of Landy thefts this weekend. Looks like there is possibly a group going around.
  11. sirwingalot

    Welding woes

    Well, thanks one and all, but a purchase has been made......Thanks to Dr Evil, i am now the proud owner of a Sealey 190A MIG. So happy days. When I've got the new one, I'll have a play, then if someone wants to make an offer for the SIP to play with/fix, be my guest. :D As for me, I'm happy -...
  12. sirwingalot

    Welding woes

    Hmm ok cool. I'll look into this a bit further, but i think i might go with a sealey mightymig 150. Thanks for the info.
  13. sirwingalot

    Welding woes

    D'oh! I'm seeing sealey 150A's going for about £200. Is that going to have enough grunt as well? Mine seems like a bit of a toy one, and I'm ready to move on to the big boys toys... :)
  14. sirwingalot

    Welding woes

    Is this one any cop?
  15. sirwingalot

    Welding woes

    I have a SIP Migmate. I think its a 120. It was given to me so i cant complain too much. It welds fine for a few minuets, but then starts spitting and stacking the welds up with no penetration. I think its had it. Can anyone recommend a mig thats good but not going to break the bank, as money is...
  16. sirwingalot

    Nice little outing in Itchy, kinda

    Alls well that ends well. Sounds like a good day out to me!
  17. sirwingalot

    progressive problem

    Normally that wouldn't be a problem, but I'm in the middle of re-building my work shop at my mums stables so i can work in the dry, and all my tools are packed in crates there, not here. So i need the workshop finished and up and running. That coupled with the crazy hours I'm working this week...
  18. sirwingalot

    Vandalised landrover

    Real life.....maybe? :D
  19. sirwingalot

    progressive problem

    Just spoke to a (sort of) mechanic mate, and we cam to the same conclusion. Bugger. Ok, still drivable? or not really? Need to get little one to school for the next week before I can take it apart.
  20. sirwingalot

    progressive problem
