Hope you are not holding your breath on the reduction ....... and don't forget the majority of the price of petrol and diesel is tax ..... hell would have to freeze over before they reduce the taxes on it.
Its a fair point about taxes, they'll never get cut, but if the fuel companies have been reporting distorted prices and become regulated I think we might see a fair drop in price.

Gotta dream heyy
will never happen..they see people wil pay money for it as we have to for work etc, so why would they reduce it?

it would however free up more money to spend else where thherefore bringing the economy back to where we should be
Depends how much of a push there is. I don't see government liking this and they may well divert the investigation. Funny that this comes out when the govt. said they are investigating petrol stations event hough the average made per litre is only 3-6p for the station.
We've known it's all fixed for years and years, same as gas, electricity and coal.
The oil companies are screwing us :eek: who would have thought that :rolleyes: Not that they've much room to manoeuvre after the government have done there bit :mad:

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