1. G

    What colour paint is my disco

    There is about 2 foot square of the stuff missing on the bonnet. I tried my steam cleaner on the edges to see if it would all come off easy and then just polish the bonnet as the colour is very very faded and dull, but alas no, I think I need a new bonnet, lots for 25 quid on ebay as we know but...
  2. G

    What colour paint is my disco

    And the stuff in them is not the same either, talking of before, and slightly off topic, when I was a kid I used to see white dog poo on the road and now and not for years I have seen non, been bugging me all evening, where IS the white dog poo gone or was is just a freak ghost dog or someone...
  3. G

    What colour paint is my disco

    moan about you lot! you must be kidding, its like typing questions into the instant reply computer, bloody marverlous this board.
  4. G

    What colour paint is my disco

    They said it was blue lol, any other ideas
  5. G

    I did everything you all said

    without a manual and being stuuuupid on my last one I had a cap on the radiator and knew that, that is where I put the coolant in and also the hose pipe, on the disco there is no cap so if I go pulling pipes off and sticking hose pipes in things do I refill from the expansion tank?
  6. G

    What colour paint is my disco

    In view of the other post I did about finding new doors and bonnet ( which Im still looking for ) I had a look at the panel and sticker under the bonnet. It clearly says colour and trim on the metal plate but there is nothing at all in the boxes that should tell me?
  7. G

    I did everything you all said

    I like the idea of tin foil, had a word with the dog and is non to pleased about dipping his tail in petrol and holding it near the window screen. I have read that heater matrix is whole dash out, is this the case for flushing it out? Engine temp is ok so I doubt its the head gasket as temp sits...
  8. G

    I did everything you all said

    Well guys I sorted the handling out, new rear bush, fixed the leaking seal and oh, the totally destroyed wheel bearing, now she handles very well indeed, I did find that I had no central pipe on the exhaust, never noticed, but I treated her to a new one anyway, and low and behold, no change in...
  9. G


    interesting to read this as I have just changed the coolant in my 300 tdi and also put a new thermostat in and still I only get about one degree warmer than an ice lolly after an hours drive, maybe my radiator is blocked? is there such a solution on the market to clean the muck out?
  10. G

    Blue Metalic Bonnet and Doors

    Thanks matt, I will nip outside and get the number off the plate, I didnt know that, really cool advice
  11. G

    Blue Metalic Bonnet and Doors

    No still here fella, The problem with ALL the doors on ebay is the colour, you cant simply respray the ones I need as they have a plastic coat on them. I need a perfect colour match. I have used breaker line and the only match I can find is from a breakers that want 525 quid and im not paying...
  12. G

    If I wanted perfect handling

    Having owned 2 range rovers and now on my second disco ( A battered 1994 TDI ) and never having one that could be driven over 60mph without the fear of god of losing control I would be interested to know what I would need to change to have just for once a car that handled as it should. Being...
  13. G

    Blue Metalic Bonnet and Doors

    Happy to pay 25 quid to anyone that can get / find me a bonnet for that sort of money, pop yer bonnet where your mouth is
  14. G

    Blue Metalic Bonnet and Doors

    There is a plastic coat on the bonnet and the doors thats come off, thats why I want to get new ones........
  15. G

    1st to 2nd Gear Change 95 Disco Manual

    I read a post some where on here last month that I simply cant find now! Its about the REALLY Nasty gear change from 1st to 2nd. If I do it REALLY slowly, its sort of ok, but if I change gear as if like in a car is a big crunchy feeling. But im sure I read that its not the gear box and...
  16. G

    Blue Metalic Bonnet and Doors

    Hi Guys I have taken delivery of a bonnet and driver side front and rear door for my 95 disco in metalic blue, BUT they are the wrong colour blue, I think the ones I ordered from the scrap yard are midnight metalic blue, I only want my money back and so if you need them give me a call on 07990...
  17. G

    They Made Me DO IT, Wasn't Me Gov honest

    http://www.uccc.co.uk/ Seems to be down? Is this the correct address for unipart spares?
  18. G

    They Made Me DO IT, Wasn't Me Gov honest

    Thanks guys, I will get onto UNIPART and get some bits and bobs, just come back from the garage and the engine oil that was all over the one side just flew straight off, yes, Rocker Gasket, very happy about that, in fact the engine came up pretty mint using only 3 minutes on the presure washer...
  19. G

    They Made Me DO IT, Wasn't Me Gov honest

    Best prices Ive found so far are from difflock, as I have a few things to buy Im happy to play less than a pound lol, prey tell where from?
  20. G

    They Made Me DO IT, Wasn't Me Gov honest

    Thanks guys thats really great news.. Its 1.30pm and Ive only just woke up, spent till 5am reading and searching and reading as much of the forum as I could, and I awake to find great advice, and better still prices of around 6 quid for a thermo stat! phew! Ive found also that the rocker is...