1. Imortalrelic

    Centre Seat Tool Tray

    Thanks for the dimensions may also have a go at folding one up
  2. Imortalrelic

    Window rubber supplier.

    Is that rubber double window channel suitable for a truck cab?
  3. Imortalrelic

    How many land rovers are actually on the road.

    Whoever has the 1937 licenced landrover model missing has a rare one
  4. Imortalrelic

    Hensey’s rebuild

    Keep it up, keep the photos coming and have fun! Rivet counting can wait for your mid life crisis When the Zombie Apocalypse comes your wagon will look the part!
  5. Imortalrelic

    What have you done to your tratter today?

    Oil change and a less banged up slightly straighter sump on. Looked at the engine mounts yeah nah maybee later!
  6. Imortalrelic

    engine mounts

    Thanks I have that planned for next weekend! Really looking forward to it now.... Any tips?
  7. Imortalrelic

    Electronic Ignition

    Same I have a simon bbc one. Complete disy option. A year now with original coil all good
  8. Imortalrelic

    Ear defenders

    Wear grade 3 in mine on longer trips iPod earphones underneath. Travelling at 60mph is then a lot more endurable. Make the kids wear then as well to be on the safe side. I imagine I can hear more than those young fellas in the boom boom cars
  9. Imortalrelic

    Sam's gearbox thread

    Well done Sam keep the pics coming. I am also in the process of stripping a box and am at about the same point. What are you going to use as a packing piece for removing the bearing outer as the manual indicates? James are you indicating that the gears can be removed prior to removing the...
  10. Imortalrelic

    Couple of questions about originality

    Speedo cable was one of the first jobs I tackled. Its a good excuse to lift the floor and have a poke around. Find your gearbox fill points and what suffix box you have. While the floors up its a good time to check your transmission fluid levels. Also you will get an idea of how imminent an...
  11. Imortalrelic

    problem starting in the morning

    My series 3 was hard to start first up, But after that good for rest of day. New carb, dizzy, leads, fuel filters etc to stumble on a post about coked up engines can give this symptom. Before removing head and after reading a post on decoking dribbled a pint of water into carb. Apparently an...
  12. Imortalrelic

    Dying when foot taken off gas

    Do you blow the jets in carb or remove them?
  13. Imortalrelic

    Made a start but not really sure what to do first?

    I find it alot easier if you remove the steering wheel :crazy_driver: I have dash lights and head light switch above where your wiper switch is located. Do the military versions have these switches elsewhere?
  14. Imortalrelic

    New buy s3

    That's the look I am after! Nice truck Does anyone know what green that is?
  15. Imortalrelic

    Top speed from Series 3?

    I generally sit 55mph with ear defenders on Overdrive engaged +- 10mph on the needle and unsure of speedo calibration with the 31/10.5/15s
  16. Imortalrelic

    New series owner with a lighting fault

    Get a multimeter with a tacho, Good for setting RPM After electrics the carb will give you hours of fun
  17. Imortalrelic

    En-lighten me!

    Crap I have no earth there at all although upon checking I can see it in the parts manual. Guess its now on my to do list thanks Blackburn
  18. Imortalrelic

    Thought this was an interesting conversion.

    Mine produces almost as much smoke on startup... The parachute would be handy for the daily drive as well
  19. Imortalrelic

    Gear stick rattle

    Its amazing just as you find an issue with your own waggon a thread pops up here with someone else having the same. On a club run yesterday lost the ability to change gear. While stuck on a sand dune removed floor and tunnel. Found one spring on plate broken. Moved good one to outer to let...