
New Member
I drove my 2A for the first time in the dark the other night, and I couldn't work out how to turn the headlights on.

I have a switch labelled Side Lights which is a 3 position toggle. When switched from off to position 2 the side lights come on. When switched to position 3 nothing happens, except I can push the column stalk away to get main beam. The only thing I could do was drive with main beam on... well I think it was main beam as the blue light on the bash came on, however it still wasn't very bright and no one flashed me.

It's been fitted with a series 3 column stalk which doesn't seem to operate the head light flash. It passed it's MOT about a month ago, so either they have stopped working since, or they work in some other way / combination of switches and stalks.

Any advice?
The three position switch is supposed to be the headlights. Check wiring and fuses.

Always check you know what all the switches do before you drive a Landy. Mine had all sorts of idiotic modifications to it. You may find that there is another switch that disables the lights but you will have to trace it by following the rats nest behind the dash...

The stork should just do beams (in terms of lights) back for flash. Front for beams. It is possible that the changeover switch on the stalk is broken. (When you switch to full beams it should switch off dipped). Might be worth taking the stork off and giving all the switches a clean.
Crap I have no earth there at all although upon checking I can see it in the parts manual.
Guess its now on my to do list thanks Blackburn
So where are they currently earthed ? Give the connections a good clean , the column switches can fail also replacement ones have limited life so lots of people putting relays in to do the high current side of the job , prolongs the life of column switch.
Update: I have power at the switch, and power out of the switch when flicked down to the headlights position. However the power goes somewhere as there's nothing at the front split behind the grille. Looking at the wiring diagram, the power from the switch splits somewhere at the bulkhead - is this for the power to the stalk for main beam?

I've spent hours on this trying to get some lights, but still nothing. Can I just run a new wire from the back of the switch to the split behind the grille, or does it need to go somewhere else first?

btw: The earth is fine
Please see attached gives some info on the main and dipped headlights . blue and white & blue and red wires are larger diameters than the other lighting wires , they come from behind the dash to some bullet connectors at the offside front side of radiator.
Should be easy to trace to here.
View attachment 2.25 wiring .pdf
Please see attached gives some info on the main and dipped headlights . blue and white & blue and red wires are larger diameters than the other lighting wires , they come from behind the dash to some bullet connectors at the offside front side of radiator.
Should be easy to trace to here.
View attachment 49752

Yep... I traced the wires to the bullet connectors - blue and white have power on main beam and flash, but blue and red nothing when switched to headlights. The blue feed wire from the switch has power, but it looks like I need to check if there's still power at the stalk (25)... Thanks :)
There's a changeover on the stalk to turn off the dipped beams when you go on full beam it might be that is mucky or broken. You can buy a new stalk for not much and it just plugs in

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