1. CrazyLandyMan

    A bit slippy

    That first car looks like its deliberately trying to hit things, cos god knows accelerating on ice isnt helping him!
  2. CrazyLandyMan

    tax exempt or not

    Well the law states as thus: First regged before 7th January 1973 or manufactured before 1st of jan 1973 (but not including this date). It will say on your log book the date of first registration, top left of the information page :D
  3. CrazyLandyMan


    Where did you get that one from Ormus? And are there anymore like her? Personally i think the lights in the wings are sexy!!! Wish the dozy bint would stop pouring water of it!!!
  4. CrazyLandyMan

    petition for tax exemption

    Nope, and biodiesel really doesnt come to that much cheaper, best use veg oil and not tell anyone lol, i used neat veg oil in me old 90 and didnt make any mods at all and it ran well enough, smelt like a chippy, but ran well enough lol
  5. CrazyLandyMan

    petition for tax exemption

    http://www.direct.gov.uk/Motoring/OwningAVehicle/TaxationClasses/TaxationClassesArticle/fs/en?CONTENT_ID=4022042&chk=OoLbFS if you want it direct from the whores (sorry, meant horses) mouth!
  6. CrazyLandyMan

    petition for tax exemption

    And i am correcting you both, its vehicles manufactured before 31st december 1972 and/or first regged before january 7th 1973, so how in gods name does your 1971 miss it???
  7. CrazyLandyMan

    Tailgate door handle.

    LOL its ok, i know you dont mean it really ;)
  8. CrazyLandyMan

    Tailgate door handle.

    Current high bidder badgersemporium :D hehe So please no-one else bid cos i hate losing lol
  9. CrazyLandyMan

    Landyzone Offroading Weekend

    Hehe am in hiding now!
  10. CrazyLandyMan

    Landyzone Offroading Weekend

    No, the only thing you scared me off was phoning ya!!! hehehehehehehe
  11. CrazyLandyMan

    Landyzone Offroading Weekend

    Aye me and betty aint going either, have decided the money is going to go to better use and buy her a disco as the series isnt really family friendly.
  12. CrazyLandyMan


    Yep, i have it, use it most nights to talk to me best mate in London!
  13. CrazyLandyMan

    bronco tyres

    I use colway remoulds, think they are pretty much the best on the market for remoulds.
  14. CrazyLandyMan

    bronco tyres

    http://forums.mud-club.com/viewtopic.php?t=28422&highlight=bronco go read that one, its a tyre report on a set of hardly used tyres (they had only been fitted for a short while)
  15. CrazyLandyMan

    bronco tyres

    I am going to find a thread on mud club that would put you off bronco tyres for life! Will post it here when i find it.
  16. CrazyLandyMan

    are you smart or are you a two watt bulb

    Your IQ score is 129! I shall get me coat noo then!
  17. CrazyLandyMan

    Landyzone Offroading Weekend

    Thats nice innit!! What about those of us arguing the toss huh!!! lol Retsgom:- sounds like a good evenings work on your part lol, although i am glad bettyblue22 isnt that kind of minded woman as i forget her birthday every year :o
  18. CrazyLandyMan

    Landyzone Offroading Weekend

    Probably cos it is a dream land rover, and not a real one!!!
  19. CrazyLandyMan

    Landyzone Offroading Weekend

    Right, just need some information, where is the place we is going to, what ports are we using (want to see how much its gonna cost in fuel to each place) and does anyone have the prices and locations of LPG stations on the route on t'other side of the pond?