1. bettyblue22

    Who do you use?? Insurance

    I have always used NFU never had a better quote off anyone else:)
  2. bettyblue22


  3. bettyblue22


  4. bettyblue22


    dunt ya get locked up fur that one?:rolleyes::rolleyes:
  5. bettyblue22

    Mings trendy wine bar

    thurs a few that's bin missing lately ;);)
  6. bettyblue22

    Want a cheap series?

    Bristol aint North to me, is about 7 hrs drive south at the very least :p
  7. bettyblue22

    The Sunday Legal Surgery

    is it gonna become the local strip joint then? :rolleyes: or massage parlour? ;)
  8. bettyblue22

    The Sunday Legal Surgery

    nah, it's too far from t'pub :rolleyes: Anyway who would be doing the cooking?:p
  9. bettyblue22

    Greeting from a newbie.

    Aint Kim a girls name? :p
  10. bettyblue22

    Series 3 110 V8 Station wagon auto conversion

    Well he's only made 3 posts and they are all here, mebee he just puts them on and then comes back next month to check
  11. bettyblue22

    Series 3 110 V8 Station wagon auto conversion

    P'raps no-one has done this then eh? or would you rather have come back to loads of pages of "NO"
  12. bettyblue22

    This Forum

    E must be very young then, cos most kids talk in txt speak nowadays !!! :eek::eek::eek:
  13. bettyblue22

    This Forum

    Well you know what they say...................If you don't like the place............Don't ****ing go there :p:p:p:p:p All spelt out correctly, so that you can understand it easily ;)
  14. bettyblue22

    The Random Roadies 2nd Ramble

    Ya just need to admit that you don't know your left from your right :p try drivers side/passenger side instead :eek:
  15. bettyblue22

    groaning steering

    That's a new name for it :p
  16. bettyblue22

    cheesed off

    You mean you don't take them off every couple of weeks :eek::eek: changed me tyre on the fiesta a couple of weeks back and though i was playing with lego pieces
  17. bettyblue22

    groaning steering

    mebbe the groaning is caused by what he is doing at the time ;)
  18. bettyblue22

    Hardknott pass

    well you shouldn't have **** on the seat then should ya? :rolleyes:
  19. bettyblue22

    Hardknott pass

    Hardknott's just a boring old road just like Kirkstone
  20. bettyblue22

    Mings trendy wine bar

    ey up, hope this establishment is still open, could do with a proper pint after drinking that stuff they call beer in town :rolleyes::rolleyes::rolleyes: ne'er mind, will just sneak around behind the bar instead:D