1. COA

    90 rear crossmember replacement

    If you cant get to pressbrake before 1st April then you could try RAC parts, they started making a cross member or else MIB offroad also do their own
  2. COA

    2 inch lift

    I had this issue - solved it by hiring a number of acro props from Travis and placed them under the roof joists, wound them up raising the roof and put a couple extra bricks under roof. Landy fits now
  3. COA

    Lambo Doors on a 90?

    Go on, do it then post the pics on here for us all to giggle at
  4. COA

    Marshland or Richards Chassis?

    Out of interest - roughly whats the price of a Richards and whats the price for a marshlands....and yes I know it depends on what you want but perhaps Albert could share what his research showed? Ball park figures are fine!!
  5. COA

    Cheltenham Quarry

    Hi guys - I live a few miles from the quarry and go up most weekends. Send me a PM if you want and happy for you to tag along but best to PM me as I dont come on here everyday. Rich
  6. COA

    fuel and oil

    whats wrong with used chip fat?
  7. COA

    Mach5 wheels and KM2 tyres for sale.

    Hey Matt - I would be interested in a set of these, dont mind if they are tatty (probably prefer it as they will be cheaper!!) Let me know if other fall out. Thanks, Rich
  8. COA

    Valuation of rebuilt landy

    my local independent says that most farmers are coming back in with their TD5s and TDCI's selling them then buying an older TDI and getting them rebuilt on galv chassis because they hate all the complications on the new landys that just go wrong
  9. COA

    Disco rims with dumper tyres

    When is the latest I can pick them up please? You say you need them gone so just trying to work out if I can realistically get them
  10. COA

    Disco rims with dumper tyres

    Where are you based? West Midlands is quite large! Might be interested
  11. COA

    Greenlaning in birmingham or close by ??

    Had a great day out - thanks to jaco for leading us through some great lanes and it was great to meet a number of peeps off the forum in person! Hope you had a good afternoon, got home in time to take over from misses!
  12. COA

    Greenlaning in birmingham or close by ??

    Ohhh - ok - got confused as there was talk of goin later in the month from some (two different conversations!) So plan is to meet at 9am Sunday under Jnc9 of M6. When do you think you will be finished by or is there an opportunity to peel off earlier if needed? Thanks
  13. COA

    Greenlaning in birmingham or close by ??

    So.....is anything on for tomorrow??
  14. COA

    Greenlaning in birmingham or close by ??

    I would be interested in a lanes trip depending on location. I am in Cheltenham so south of Birmingham, have a 90 with snorkel and all off road kit.
  15. COA

    Greenlaning in birmingham or close by ??

    Does anyone know if the Wagtail PnP site is open over the next week?
  16. COA

    Greenlaning in birmingham or close by ??

    Any chance of Friday 27th??
  17. COA

    Greenlaning in birmingham or close by ??

    Cant do this Sunday but if anyone wants to go out during the week next week or the week after then I would love too!!
  18. COA

    Greenlaning in birmingham or close by ??

    Weekends are difficult coz of the family but during the week when I am on holiday then its easier!
  19. COA

    Greenlaning in birmingham or close by ??

    Yes please!! Am off work all of next week
  20. COA

    Greenlaning in birmingham or close by ??

    I would be up for that I think (subject to check with boss) - done a fair bit, well prep'd 90.