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    Stanage Edge

    As many will know Stanage Edge has been closed for a few weeks because of a blocked culvert. A contact at Derbyshire CC highways has told me 'a hole some quarter of a mile from the start of the track at Dennis Knoll, which we will be filling with large stone in the near future because access...
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    green laning buxton

    Hi. Try a nice n easy one like the lane from the top of long hill, at the turning for the Goyt valley. There is a gated road that runs down hill parallel with the modern road to rejoin it further down in the direction of Fernilee. Careful when you pull out onto the main road though coz people...
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    Cheshire CC PROW office are investigating a lane near Allgreave in the Peak District. The grid ref is SJ973671 travelling N from Allgreave towards Clough Brook. There is some historical evidence of legal rights for Horse and Carts to use this lane, from a Highways Network of 1865. There is a...
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    Greenlanin in derbyshire

    Yes - get over there quite a bit. 's good too.
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    4x4-bigotry petition

    Please read my petition on the pm petitions website at the following address: Petition to: Recognise that many vehicles polute, not just a particular kind of vehicle. The wording is as follows: We the undersigned petition the Prime Minister to Recognise that many vehicles polute, not just a...
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    Insrance Quotes - any help?

    Tescos where cheap for me. They take account of m/bike no-claims-discount. I don't know of any other car insurer that does that. A friend who's a insurance salesman hates Tesco coz he says they're too cheap and doing him out of business. I've ridden m/bikes for 30yrs but only learned to drive...
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    I'll take a look at what they have to offer. Thanks. Chappy
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    Can one of 'Them that know' pass on the benefit of their wisdom? What is the best tow rope to get for general recovery use (stashed in the back hopefully never to be used)? and: What breaking strain shackles do you recommend for a Disco? Chappy
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    worst model names?

    Y'aris - who wants a motor named after an arse!:D
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    Diesel/LPG Conversion

    To convert a diesel to lpg would you have to change the cylinder head to one with spark plugs? Also,you'd need to clean out the diesel tank and fit a second large lpg tank - why go to all that trouble? Either sell your car and buy a converted petrol disco or join the lobby to promote...
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    When you first start using bioD the oil has different qualities. After about a month of using the new fuel you should replace the fuel filter as the bioD cleans out the system - stripping off all the deposits left by the mineral diesel. Once this has been done, you should be alright for normal...
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    4x4 tax swindle

    I agree with everything you've said. The government and anti-4x4 lobby are just after pinning the blame on an easy minority group. The government are after tax money - stop. The greens are against anything with balls - stop. The anti 4x4 lobby are misguided - stop. The government should...
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    I'm going to give 'make your own bioD' a try. Here is a link to a good site http://journeytoforever.org/biodiesel_make.html Got to be a larf!
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    Thanks ormus. Just taken a look at this site and it is very interesting. There is loads of information about making bio-D from all kinds of oils, old and new. Sounds a bit complicated but the authors say it's all pretty straight-forward. Wonder how it leaves your house insurance...
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    Here is another link for BioD http://www.caldo.co.uk/main_page.htm Here is an interesting extract from their site; WHY DOES IT REQUIRE A LOWER TAX RATE? The technology to produce Bio Diesel has been around for many years and the inventor of the diesel engine, Rudolf Diesel, originally ran...
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    Forgot to add. While browsing the intyweb at dinnertime, I checked out the alliance against urban 4x4's. What a joke they are! BUT, with all the hype over carbon footprints isn't it important that we defend ourselves? Chris
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    There is a company in Northwich Cheshire that sells BioDiesel in bulk. The web address is http://www.ebony-solutions.co.uk The prices are very cheap, but you have to buy 5,000 litres. Maybe a club could get together and do a mutual support thing for its membership? While diesel is about 85 -...
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    Hi There are hundreds of LRs in Sandbach. Mostly Freelanders (thousands of them) and a mix of Defenders, Discos and Series etc. Kinda cool really. Insurance has been a real pain in the arse. I've got full ncb on bikes - I must of been doing something right on the roads all these years. Yet 99.9%...
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    Hi. I've loved Landrovers ever since I was a kid. In fact they probably cost me a good career, coz I was so busy drawing them in class I never got around to learning very much. After 29years of riding m/bikes I've finally caught up with my childhood dreams and found a Landy to call my own...