it snot true..the computor was on the blink and mis printed it... there was a terrible flood and the ink ran...there was a earthquake my suit didn't comeback from the cleaners
Griffdowg said:
awww bollox :(

i dont know much about it, i just thought it was 25years rolling. well then im screwed from all angles :(

any piggies here want to verify the law?


Gits stoped it rolling a year before my was due to be exempt.
I agree with everything you've said.

The government and anti-4x4 lobby are just after pinning the blame on an easy minority group.

The government are after tax money - stop.
The greens are against anything with balls - stop.
The anti 4x4 lobby are misguided - stop.

The government should end fuel taxation on alternative fuels - now.
The greens should get real - now.
The anti 4x4 lobby should start using joined up thinking - now (or sometime soon would be good).

Many drivers may use their 4x4 vehicles for the school run, but then they go on to use them for work. Would the anti aliance have people buy a second car just for the school run? Or would you prefer that they scrap the 4x4 and buy a none 4x4 vehicle? Either solution is poor green practice.

My own Discovery is used for work and personal use - it gives 30mpg (much like many 'ordinary' but less capable saloon cars) is diesel and will run on bio-diesel. My car is 9years old and should last for another 5years at least, after covering about 200,000 miles. Due to the ongoing nature of the design, I can pick up secondhand spares as required - sound recycling theory in practice. Not too bad on the environment.

I would happily use biofuel all the time but the government is still charging UK Fuel duty on it, so the economics are preventing retailers from selling the product at the pump to the general public. If the Government reduced UK Fuel duty on biofuel this would make a huge difference to the 'take-up' of biodiesel as it has in France and Germany.

So called Chelsea Tractors are a myth. And so what anyway, if people like to use big safe over-engineered cars? In Chelsea since the popularity of big 4x4 cars the number of car accidents has fallen by nearly 50% (source: LRO page 145 issue 13).

I know they're knocking the Congestion Charge up for 4x4's in London :confused: :rolleyes: ;) .

Maybe they should work the 4x4 tax out based on location, so a Chelsea tractor that doesn't even know what mud looks like should pay £600000 and a decent hard working landie that's fit for purpose should be tax exempt... ok so I'm wishful thinking but have you seen the amount of new Disco 3's & Rangie's which will never see the soil!

Rant over :)
Yes the law has been verified as an ASS.... or should i correctly point out those who ordain themselves as fit to run the country and create these diabolical, political, critical, rectal decisions and generate a far greater carbon footprint in the vast expanse of rainforests cut down to produce the volumes of rhetoric required to obliterate the itelligent arguments of rationality. Whilst I readily concede to the future requirements of the planet the ability to produce ethically based fuels is abundant and yet largely left by those purporting to allie with green issues. As with most political members the ability to run with the Fox and hunt with the hounds has been mastered by them all..... But alas the fox and hounds cliche has also been banned....

Here endeth todays sermon....

Please leave your donations in the tray on your way out!!
dont be gettin all hot under the collar, the 4x4 tax is a rumour that will never happen. 90% of audi's sold in the uk are 4x4. 100% of subaru's are 4x4. fiat make the fiat panda 4x4. 80 % of suzuki's are 4x4. regardless of your opinions of the above listed vehicles the government cannot be seen to singleing out certain manufacturers.
Yes the law has been verified as an ASS.... or should i correctly point out those who ordain themselves as fit to run the country and create these diabolical, political, critical, rectal decisions and generate a far greater carbon footprint in the vast expanse of rainforests cut down to produce the volumes of rhetoric required to obliterate the itelligent arguments of rationality. Whilst I readily concede to the future requirements of the planet the ability to produce ethically based fuels is abundant and yet largely left by those purporting to allie with green issues. As with most political members the ability to run with the Fox and hunt with the hounds has been mastered by them all..... But alas the fox and hounds cliche has also been banned....

Here endeth todays sermon....

Please leave your donations in the tray on your way out!!

I donate one dictionary, a basic course in Plain English & some dried frog pills, take thrice daily. :D
I sincerely hope that Mr yella has divine insight into the minds of those rather astute politicians.. who if they were working for the private sector would undoubtedly be claiming benefits..instead of selling the parliamentary perks to the house keepers twice remove uncle's brothers aunties eldest goat...
this whole thread is a complete load of bollocks, based on a mixture of rumours heard from " abloke in the pub " and amongst other things a biased opinion generated on peoples dislike for the current government. personally i couldnt give a toss, if they are going to do it they wiull but they never will. road tax will be based on the size of your engine and not how many wheels drive the vehicle
Apart from the fact that they have yet again put the duty up on 100% BioDiesel. I run bio and why do they do this if they are so worried about a green britain. :rolleyes:
because too many people are giving up smoking ands they are losing the revenue from the tax on tobbacco products noww can we please call a halt to this political bollocks
I sincerely hope your right sir yella, I suspect your right with the rumour starting in a pub... usually in fleet st.
My disdain is for all politicians who have a tendency to pull the ladder up after proclaiming "I'm alright Jack"

I also strongly suspect that the campaign strategists are using the old method of attack... Divide and conquer. The everyday motorist naturally bear the front of it all....
its the way of tthe world mate, the sooner yer face it and join the look after no1 club the sooner the pain starts to heal ;)

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