1. lamriska

    Whaddon - Sunday 31st May

    last time we went it took two weeks , on and off , to get all the mud off YouTube - whaddon sheep dip 1
  2. lamriska

    Hertfordshire Lanes?????

    its in between royston and biggleswade spurs , you can folla me up if yer want , if yer aint gorra snorkel dont go thru deep water , simple ,we've all got plenty of ropes and that , so dont worry , dont matter how hard or easy they are , we'll always pull you out if yer get stuck
  3. lamriska

    Hertfordshire Lanes?????

    yes it is jai , a few of the class 1 boys have defected to essex now , but we still have a decent turn out , haven't got a laning officer a the mo , i prefer coming out with you lot anyway , always on the lookout for new members as well
  4. lamriska

    Hertfordshire Lanes?????

    we do twinney at my club as well , heres a great vid from there http://www.landyzone.co.uk/lz/f12/nice-puddle-40445.html
  5. lamriska

    Hertfordshire Lanes?????

    we can do the serious ones with those that want and meet those that don't or carn't at the other end, then carry on from there copy and paste this adding your name to the list spyderman ryder viper lamriska
  6. lamriska

    Hertfordshire Lanes?????

    count me in spyderman , cant do this weekend tho , any time after thats ok anyone thinking of riding in the back of a truck cab , forget it, look at this knobhead YouTube - Offroad Idiot Gets Totally Owned. PAINFUL!
  7. lamriska

    disco truck cab

    the kit is £700 daft , yours looks just as good tho
  8. lamriska

    disco truck cab

    Custom Cab spotted this in this months LRO , it's a lot of dosh - my opinion , i think it looks the dogs doo dahs
  9. lamriska


    YouTube - whaddon sheep dip 1 heres one of me mate going thru that sheep dip YouTube - whaddon sheep dip 2 YouTube - whaddon sheep dip 3 i did venture in but was pulled out backwards , the ****ty water was just level with me gear tunnel
  10. lamriska

    Hertfordshire Lanes?????

    i know , i've been reading all the posts , i bet your itching to get out int yer , i'll gladly let you show me round , i'll be going up with 3 other 90's and some SJ's but i've never met the SJ lot , bunch of looneys by the sounds of it, we're leaving bout 8.30
  11. lamriska

    Hertfordshire Lanes?????

    is the water that deep up there then jai - kin 'ell
  12. lamriska

    Hertfordshire Lanes?????

    not as bad as this poor fookerhttp://www.landyzone.co.uk/lz/f37/dont-get-bitten-fooker-40935.html
  13. lamriska


    waddon offroad site here yer go - off there sunday meself
  14. lamriska

    Essex Lanes

    give G -man a PM he lives out that way
  15. lamriska

    Hertfordshire Lanes?????

    cheers ryder , your motor in dock aint it , i'll take some piccys , just to rub it in , he he - i certainly wont be wearin' me wellies , kids bought me a pair for fathers day i didnt wear them till 2 sundays ago , been in back of 90 , put them on got bit by a fooking spider , right on mr little toe
  16. lamriska

    Hertfordshire Lanes?????

    nice one , cheers rangey , is there a burger van there ?
  17. lamriska

    Hertfordshire Lanes?????

    i'm orf to whaddon on sun [ first time ] . theres a few of us going up from the LR club , anyone fancy it ? . is it £20 for the day ? , whats it like there ? can you entertain yerself all day long or is it same ol' , same ol' after an hour or two , hope it ****es down all day sat
  18. lamriska

    Hertfordshire Lanes?????

    YouTube - Abingdon 4x4 Festival 2008 Off Road evening fellas , just having a flick thru you tube found this - anyone been , wouldn't mind having a go next year , make a weekend of it , maybe some laning on the way there or back
  19. lamriska

    Hertfordshire Lanes?????

    Upload dan , did read in a post you was after some bucket seats , if you still are - i've got a couple if your interested , they've been in the for sale section for ages
  20. lamriska

    Hertfordshire Lanes?????

    evening lads , haven't been on for a while , sounds like you had a great time on the salisbury trip , how many went ? give us a PM if your out laning over the next few weeks - cheers