1. pigfarmer

    Power down. Possible coolant leak

    Thanks a lot for the responses guys. I've been busy as hell and haven't had the time to do anything with her atm. The idle has been running roughish (not unbearable like a misfire) down from 800ish and is sitting on the 500 line, except that this afternoon she was struggling to hold any idle so...
  2. pigfarmer

    Power down. Possible coolant leak

    Hi there guys. I've been experiencing a serious power down on the 4.2 for some time, she's running very flat. Everything demands more power and kick downs don't produce the power expected, but she runs through the revs as normal. Idle is lower than it should be even though base was set...
  3. pigfarmer

    Average MPG for 1995 3.9l

    ^Wise words. I considered the LPG conversion a few years ago but I seem to remember working out it was going to take me about 20,000 miles to get it to pay for itself. That was when petrol prices were lower than they are now though so have no idea how long it would take today. Not being a daily...
  4. pigfarmer

    Have LSE, need respray.

    Cheers. I think what reignited my idea behind the Tuscan Blue was seeing the Twisted Retro Defender. I think that's the old Bahama gold/sand which is flat. I think that looks damn tidy. But when it boils down to it it's a Defender not an LSE. Ardennes is a great colour for the LSE, however...
  5. pigfarmer

    Have LSE, need respray.

    Hi guys. I have searched and read other threads along these lines but I was hoping you might give me a bit of feedback on colour choice for the LSE as I've pretty much lost all subjectivity and need help! ;) I've been thinking about respraying the LSE for a long time. My hand was forced to...
  6. pigfarmer

    Average MPG for 1995 3.9l

    On my 4.2 without LPG I've been getting an average 7-8mpg around London, having dropped as low as 4! :( Motorway driving has on occasion gifted me with 12-14mpg which is useful when driving across Europe. The car is currently having the Lambda sensors changed (seems there was a backlog of...
  7. pigfarmer

    New guy and new range rover

    Who the hell takes a 3.5 EFi on the Gumball? Brilliant. If it was a sensible owner then they would have had a lot sorted before setting off across Europe so you probably won;t experience too many issues in that regard going forward (not wanting to jinx you). Do you know which year it was...
  8. pigfarmer

    Electric Seat and Mirrors - ECU looks good.

    Cheers guys. I had a little swap around with some working fuses under the seat to no effect. I can't imagine both seat and mirror switches would have completely gone both at the same time without any reduction in working. I guess the only thing to do is send the unit off to ClassicLSE.com and...
  9. pigfarmer

    Electric Seat and Mirrors - ECU looks good.

    Hi guys, did search but was unable to find anything that answered the question I have. Usual thing; drivers seat and mirrors stopped working. I simply didn't use them for a year or so before which they worked and suddenly nothing. Now obviously first instinct is the ECU. I was lent one by my...
  10. pigfarmer

    1994 RRC Original Stereo Equipment

    Yeah honestly the quality isn't bad at all. Only a little interference at higher levels of noise which is a must on the motorway cruising at 3,000rpm just to crowd out the exhaust! ;) I personally don't think the parrot with more channels and higher wattage gave much of a difference in quality...
  11. pigfarmer

    1994 RRC Original Stereo Equipment

    My original system still works but I took it out as the volume knob had become a little irrational (turning down sometimes turned the volume all the way to 11). I bought a Parrot as a replacement because it provided all the connectivity I need and because it was the most 'in keeping' looking...
  12. pigfarmer

    Is it worth it?

    2.5k for a respray? Where, when and how I need to know. My mother drove her lovely new rs5 into the back of my LSE when I went home.for Xmas. New brooklands rear bumper, 2 wings need replacing (which I have). The thing OS the paint iss pretty dead on mine even after a mop so new sprays at the...
  13. pigfarmer

    Bumper Restore

    I use a mixture of paint stripper and boiled linseed oil @ 40/60. Easily mixed and applied with a cloth None of these back to black products and the like will bring it back as well as this or last as long. I used the Simonez stuff and it looked good for all of half an hour and started to fade...
  14. pigfarmer

    One of the best looking P38 conversions ?

    From the ad: "You can tell just by looking at the pictures how good this vehicle looks". Hmmm, really? Not the most cerebral seller.
  15. pigfarmer

    Tailgate letters / stickers

    Let us know as I'd be interested in getting a set as a back up just in case some scally decides to start peeling them off.
  16. pigfarmer

    Tailgate letters / stickers

    I had a similar thing when I moped the LSE. I managed to get a 'Range Rover' bonnet decal (original) but needless to say the 'vogue LSE' was never going to happen. I went around the shops in Dorset and London trying to find a graphics company to make me the lettering to no avail. It seems...
  17. pigfarmer

    Year of the CAT.

    Are they clamping down on that?
  18. pigfarmer

    Respray London

    I can be close to anywhere really, live north central. I know what your saying G-Man, but it's just I remember someone saying somewhere that they got their RRC resprayed for about 1K, so just thought maybe I'm going to the wrong places. It's a bitch as you've got to take into consideration...
  19. pigfarmer

    Respray London

    Guys. I've always had really dull almost matt paint since I bought the LSE. Paintwork has always something I wanted to correct and am hoping to get it sorted late spring/early summer. After a few trips to paintshops to see if it could be sorted I sent some decent upclose photos to the guys...
  20. pigfarmer


    Ah fair doos. I'm leaving it to the (expensive) professionals as the paint is super thin around the panel edges. I'll let them calibrate depths, not willing to risk it myself, especially after the quotes I've had for a respray; the worst of which was Lookers in Battersea at £7.5K! :0