1. S

    No intermittent wipers

    its a 3 door 200 Where is the relay located ? Really cant be arsed tekkn motor out!
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    No intermittent wipers

    Have searched but can only find info on wipers that dont return properly etc My wipers dont work at all on any of the intermittent settings, I'm hoping its something simple.
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    The Big Debate - Britpart or S**tpart?

    Late December 2010 I bought 2 Britpart galvanised door tops for my soft top S3 Took the canvas and door tops off the other day for the sun (Wishful thinking I know) only to notice ALL the screws in the window channel have rusted over and the bottom face of the tops has started to rust !!! I...
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    Fancy finding you on a forum about veg oil :P Chris (Snotter)

    Fancy finding you on a forum about veg oil :P Chris (Snotter)
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    2.25 Diesel Cold Starting Major Issues

    G-Man! Ended up with a Bosch 820cca battery - works a treat with my 200tdi starter!! And the battery has fixed my dodgy headlight! Win Win !
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    2.25 Diesel Cold Starting Major Issues

    I didnt bodge the fuel pump! I bodged the lift pump as its under low pressures Anyway Another lift pump later and the air leaks gone. Now I think I need a new battery as it has been flattened so many times over the past 4 weeks of fixing the bloody truk. Ive checked all the earths many many...
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    2.25 Diesel Cold Starting Major Issues

    Changed lift pump. Bodged Earth cable on new starter onto one of mounting bolts with very large washers to get good connection. Worked brilliantly!! Noticed hairline crack in lift pump where fuel feed from tank goes into it, wasn't there while in the box dunno how managed it but wer in a rush...
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    2.25 Diesel Cold Starting Major Issues

    After purchasing a 200tdi starter the 2 working day delivery turned into 8 days due to all the bloody bank holidays. Got home from work, neighbour brought parcel round, Finally!! Swapped starters, gave it sum glow, pushed the start button.... and it didnt start. Starter motor sounded very...
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    2.25 Diesel Cold Starting Major Issues

    There are 3 brown wires on the live terminal 2 from alternator and 1 from ignition The spade connecter does have the red n white cable on it although there is a green wire with a spade on it just loose near the starter :confused:, this seems to go somewhere near the dash. Short link still...
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    2.25 Diesel Cold Starting Major Issues

    Just disconnected the starter and cleaned up every contact i could find. Also found 2 wires going to the starter that wer knackered. Reconnected these two wires (Brown one and a Green one) Tried to start her up after reconnecting everything, starter going slower than before and smoke came...
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    2.25 Diesel Cold Starting Major Issues

    So ive defrosted it, refilled it with lots of antifreeze. Taken all the glowplugs out, they all work. I tested them by connecting 1 to the ignition at a time an seeing if they were glowing after a few seconds on the key, so the ignition wiring to the glow plugs is fine. Still wont start...
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    2.25 Diesel Cold Starting Major Issues

    The 3 possible ideas so far Tek radiator out and defrost it in the bath This idea did NOT go down well lol Put leccy blanket round engine Went down slighlty better than a radiator in a bath but still no Fan heater on rad Went down quite well until...
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    2.25 Diesel Cold Starting Major Issues

    Well, Bugger. I am an idiot. I was once told that presumption is the mother of all f**k ups Really should have listened! Re-did all glow plug cabling this morning, thought i'd just check the radiator before trying to start, found a nice radiator shaped block of ice where the coolant should be...
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    2.25 Diesel Cold Starting Major Issues

    ah yeh good call - seen a few defenders knockn about wiv grills covered. Theres an amount of antifreeze in it, admitadly coolant cud do wiv a topup but think its neat lol First port of call when i wake the bloody thing up
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    2.25 Diesel Cold Starting Major Issues

    Upon recheking the glowplugs one of the cables came out of the crimp in my hand :mad: This cud explain why it cut out after eventually starting, it may have burst into life purely through compression heating it up after constant turning over. For the time being ill wrap the engine in an...
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    2.25 Diesel Cold Starting Major Issues

    Hi i've read lots of other threads on similar problems but can't seem to find an answer. My 2.25 Diesel S3 decided it didnt want to start yesterday but didnt get chance to look till today. It was cranking over too slow to start, battery died so i put it on charge overnight. Put it back in this...