1. M

    traction control

    Yes it was up to the sills and well and truly stuck, my own stupid fault ! We were shooting on a stubble field and ran on to an area that had been sub soiled and didnt realise until it was to late and 2 days of rain made it like treacle !! A mate turns up and says "I will get my boy up here he...
  2. M

    traction control

    The fact that the n/s front wheel was just constantly spinning and o/s wheel wasn't trying to drive at all. When in theory the T/C should lock the N/S front wheel to stop it spinning and therefore transfer torque to IRD and O/S front wheel ? If the O/S front wheel was locking then I could...
  3. M

    traction control

    Never thought of brake fade, possible as we spent 2 hours trying to get out and the TC light was on but not locking the wheel. Never had the 3 amigos again so unsure on that ? will check tom
  4. M

    traction control

    That's what I thought chaser guess i will have to check the abs sensors tomorrow. The other day I had HDC on I got the three amigos, turned the ignition off and on again and it was fine so maybe I have a dodgy/dirty sensor. Will check and let you know.
  5. M

    traction control

    Yes the car is only 2wd and it was my own fault it got stuck but noticed the TC was not working properly while trying to get it out. Surely the front wheels should still activate TC if the are moving at different speeds ?
  6. M

    Refilling vcu

    just found this on youtube although its from a VW T3 its pretty much the same thing and gives bit of an insight ! About 4 vids from same chap going through the process. YouTube - T3 syncro Visco Kupplung zerlegen und instandsetzen Teil 2 - Utensilien
  7. M

    traction control

    This is what I am wondering as I am not sure how the sensor's work exactly. But saying that I have heard the T/C cut in when accelerating in mud/slippy surfaces in mondo mode. Confused !
  8. M

    traction control

    After getting extremely stuck last night in my mondo hippo in a sub soiled field I noticed that the n/s front wheel was just spinning with no weight on it and the o/s front wheel was not trying to turn at all. TC light was on. Now I am under the impression that if one wheel is spinning...
  9. M

    Roof cross bar

    I might take you up on that windy will let you know.
  10. M

    Roof cross bar

    I only need the one to put some lights on for lamping rabbits !
  11. M

    Roof cross bar

    WindyG I am in cawston i see your in norfolk too ?
  12. M

    Roof cross bar

    yeh i need the ones that clamp on the front to back rails but just not sure if there are a universal type or if they are vehicle specific ? Will the gutter mounted ones fit the rails my 3dr ?
  13. M

    Roof cross bar

    Any body know which cross bar will fit the standard 3 dr rails I tried looking on halfords website but that is a crock of **** and cant really see what i want ! I just want one bar to put some spot lights on for shooting but not sure if there is a universal type or not ?
  14. M

    VCU bearings

    Not sure yet depends what comes out if I can get it out ? Have heard that silicone fluid with a viscosity of 12500CS should be OK but I may try slightly heavier or lighter. Sourcing the stuff is the problem !
  15. M

    IRD testing

    Yeh i can turn it with ease if one of the front wheels is off the floor play is on outer edge of flange and like i say no kind of any other play.
  16. M

    IRD testing

    As some of you know i have taken my props off as i have a very stiff vcu but Iam just wondering what is the normal amount of play in the ird flange ? Turning mine I have about 1/4 inch slack and have no movement in and out or forward and backwards if you like ? It hasnt made any grinding or...
  17. M

    VCU bearings

    Thanks gents I am going to try and recondition my VCU when i can source some fluid. Didnt want to smash the **** out of my bearings if they needed pressing off !! Will let you know how i get on with my diy vcu recon !
  18. M

    VCU bearings

    Are the VCU bearings pressed on to the shafts of the VCU as i need to remove mine.
  19. M


    Is there anyway of physically testing the traction control on a FL1 ?
  20. M

    driving lamp pods

    New relay £6 from Halfords bingo now working !! Thanks to longdog for pointing me in the right direction !