1. A

    Paddocks brake bits

    In that case, i'll go to the main dealers in Bedford. Only reason I wanted a new splitter unit is cause mine is pretty rusted up. The old ends that go into it should come out though if I put it in the vice and carefully persuade it. With an emphasis on carefully :p I've got the pipe and...
  2. A

    Paddocks brake bits

    Before I go ordering, anyone bought any brake bits off Paddocks? They alright? I need the imperial ends for the pipes, and I might need a new splitter box. I just don't want em to turn up and find they're a loada crap. Other option is go over to Landy dealer in Bedford and ask them to order...
  3. A

    show off... Post a piccy

    Hallo Guys, My dads in the military vehicle hobby and yer, you can still get DUKW's, basically they are a WW2 GMC 353in wheelbase truck, with a huge floating body on, and you can get a really decent one for... about 30 grand. Now thats a lot.
  4. A

    post yer picture

    i ent got no pics of the old bat :mad: although she recently had some blonde highlights done on her hair so now she is known as The Blonde Bimbo. Very very very true that name. I'm now at a point where I just refuse to talk to her sometimes. ahhhhhh the mum and son love!!:D c'mon didn't any of...
  5. A

    post yer picture

    always wanted a beard too en all. maybe i should go ZZ Top style? a few old gits there too
  6. A

    post yer picture

    Judas Priest are damn good!:D but yep i do agree they are old gits!! I refuse to have a hair cut basically I look very similar there to my dad in the early 1970's. Yep thats a bit worrying but anyhows.:cool: And my mum tells me to get a hair cut, anything she orders me to do I do the opposite...
  7. A

    post yer picture

    thats all to come ormus!:(
  8. A

    post yer picture

    year? to you too
  9. A

    post yer picture

    here is me: http://i51.photobucket.com/albums/f396/MAGFERRET/Thewaxjacketreturns.jpg sorry if i crack the screen on your comp.
  10. A

    things wiff daft names and why they is daft

    cheesecake? It has no bloody cheese in what the hell is the point
  11. A

    learn chinese

    hey people, when the site was offline, there was a post or something that said: Bored? Learn Chinese. Where are all the lines of chinese out here me and me dad were cracking up at em. like Sum Ting Wong.... Any More from that post as I've forgot most of em. Thanks and Regards, Lewis.
  12. A

    the worst ever landrover

    the 1.8 would still leave a good ole series in the dust but it just so happens that freelanders are crap. its a known fact.
  13. A

    the worst ever landrover

    ticked all of em
  14. A

    The Best Ever Land Rover?

    The Series 1 has no votes???!!!! It's what started the Land Rover legacy off!!! The gaylander and the disco are not proper Landys in my view...... Only the series are!!
  15. A

    The Best Ever Land Rover?

    good point grunt:) :D
  16. A

    The Best Ever Land Rover?

    oh and don't be biased just cos you own that certain model!!
  17. A

    The Best Ever Land Rover?

    Probably been done before but whats the best ever Landy? a) Series 1 b) 2/ 2a/2b c) 3 d) Lightweight e)FC/ FC 101 f)Defender g)Range Rover h)Freelander i) disco Think I got em all?? Probably not. Cheers, Lewis.
  18. A

    Landy Soundtrack

    highway to hell- AC/DC. my favourite band!!
  19. A

    Ex MOD Series 3 (army)

    sorry for the MASSIVE picture.....
  20. A

    Ex MOD Series 3 (army)

    Now this would look good with my dads armoured car............. Lewis.