1. pigpen

    Sticker feedback

    OBTW, and i bought five to help out.
  2. pigpen

    Sticker feedback

    No one agrees then. Just been reading YDs remarks in the "which winch" thread about freedom of speech and humour!!!!!Hmmmmm, i was just making a comment, its what i think, like other members freely telling people to **** off etc., i'm not going to arse lick, i just dont think they were very...
  3. pigpen

    Sticker feedback

    They're crap, i've seen more colour in the north sea ............in the fog.:eek: Just my honest opinion.:D
  4. pigpen

    Which winch?

    You will have to exscuse YD greenjeepster, he suffers from piles and lives in north wales.
  5. pigpen

    TD5 Auto. What MPG do you get.

    I can tell you hewey my mates got one and is always moaning about mpg, he reckons 20mpg.
  6. pigpen

    Which winch?

    Good point M8, glad you agree bush is a ****er.
  7. pigpen

    wee bit of snow in sweden

    Thats whats happening to the polar ice cap, the feckin swedes are nicking it bit by bit.
  8. pigpen

    Hi Folks!

    I dont suppose you just joined to sell a rangie did you.
  9. pigpen

    LandyZone Car Stickers

    MIx that with the fact he's an essex boy:rolleyes: oh dear, and i bet he's got blonde highlights.:D
  10. pigpen

    TD5 Auto. What MPG do you get.

    25 mpg from a td5 90 manual.
  11. pigpen

    leaky sunroof again!

    Try it, didnt on mine ,i made a windscreen claim and got a new one fitted properly in the workshop.
  12. pigpen

    Best type of Alarm/Security

    Clutch brake lock will do, thieves laugh at s/wheel locks.
  13. pigpen

    Best type of Alarm/Security

    I stand corrected my learned freind, (bloody retsgom)
  14. pigpen

    leaky sunroof again!

    I had this once revjames, it was actually coming in from a poorly sealed w/screen, pull the headlining down at the front and put a hose onto the w/screen only not the roof, then see if it comes in. Its very common when screens have been replaced, cos fitters working on their own have trouble...
  15. pigpen

    Best type of Alarm/Security

    On my old deepender, i had a hidden battery cut out switch, £6, it did stop it being nicked one night, but they still smashed starter switch £50 odd quid, also added clutch claw. Now i have toad alarm/immobiliser and clutch claw. I do recommend the cut out switch though cheap and effective, but...
  16. pigpen

    Do you call it a door mirror or a wing mirror

    I will have a pint of what LL is drinking
  17. pigpen

    Helloooooo out there..........

    ADVISE: if the explorer is running ok, get rid now. And welcome.
  18. pigpen

    KMC23W has entered the building

    Weirdo.........................Oohh welcome M8
  19. pigpen

    paint problem

    If its origianal colour, you should have a paint code no. in which case any motor paint factors should be able to do it, where are you??
  20. pigpen

    dazed and confused

    That sort of monet should get you a half decent one, if you are not sure what to look for, avoid off roady looking ones covered in spotlights, tree sliders, steering guards, lift kits etc. etc. go for one thats had mostly road use, and add whatever you want yourself, more enjoyable. Have a good...