1. dazjam

    Looking for a nice FL2

    Looking for a nice FL2
  2. dazjam

    Freelander Sport for sale, low miles

    Car now sold :)
  3. dazjam

    painting plastic bumpers

    Yep! Using a heat gun to restore automotive plastics - YouTube http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lk8U5tKQXQw&feature=related :D
  4. dazjam

    Egr Blanking Mod

    Great post and welcome to LZ, prepare for much sharing and the occasional wind-up! :) Golf tee method... cool! I have a pipe and peg method (metal shelf peg and about 30mm of silicon hose) that also works a treat. Lo tech and cheap too. Good times :welcome:
  5. dazjam

    Folding mirror problem

    Sweeeeeeet dude! Happy days! :banana::banana::banana:
  6. dazjam

    Freelander Sport for sale, low miles

    In fairness, Nigel-S was right, I edited the post to include the price :) And yeah, shame you don't have moneys! Would be ideal to sell to a LZ member... :)
  7. dazjam

    How long does your TD4 take to get from 60mph to 70mph???

    My guestimate was off a smidge yes! And no bolivian snow in the mix to use as an excuse. Doh! I like the bananarama idea though... whilst piloting an x-wing perhaps... :mil3:
  8. dazjam

    How long does your TD4 take to get from 60mph to 70mph???

    Argh! Ok then, humble pie in mouth, cap in hand, I'll get me coat etc.... reread the thread and tried 60-70 in fifth gear and let's say it was a tad (cough) more than 2 seconds! Yes, I was wrong, I admit it, my internal stopwatch counts very slowly apparently, bring on the firing squad...
  9. dazjam

    Freelander Sport for sale, low miles

    Thanks, I just assumed folk with any interest would click the link but I suppose that the price is pretty relevant! :)
  10. dazjam

    Folding mirror problem

    Yikes! Hopefully your existing pair can be "recycled" as non-folding to someone in need on ebay and offset that cost a little. Fingers crossed for ya. Presumably yours still tilted and heated when connected up? Fuses checked, etc etc? Update success story please! :)
  11. dazjam

    TD4 slow to start

    Block it at the t junction and jobs a goodun. http://www.landyzone.co.uk/lz/attachments/f9/20100d1291907511-egr-blanking-mod-yooiu.jpg If you want a peg and pipe then pm me your address and I'll send you one :) http://www.landyzone.co.uk/lz/f9/egr-blanking-mod-63948-20.html (post 197...
  12. dazjam

    How long does your TD4 take to get from 60mph to 70mph???

    Presume away, you will anyway! Add some superciliousness on too, might as well make the most of it. My figures aren't claims, just observations and most of my tweaks are documented on here. 0-60 figures vary from vehicle to vehicle so the average figure may well be 13 seconds. Mine isn't. Happy...
  13. dazjam

    Folding mirror problem

    Replacement works like a charm. As I've seen written elsewhere, could have been internal fault or worn gears. Old unit still tilts and heats so will ebay it and get some of the money back at least! Best of luck :hippie:
  14. dazjam

    How long does your TD4 take to get from 60mph to 70mph???

    Nah, no idea what that is and no idea how it effects performance... except for on my td4. Fair enough, the other tweaks I've made have helped too but that made the biggest difference, no lumpy tickover and a massive difference in acceleration. Hmm, saxo owners club? Nah, I'll soldier on for now...
  15. dazjam

    How long does your TD4 take to get from 60mph to 70mph???

    Freelander Sport TD4 .... not measured it precisely but well under 10 seconds 0-60 (egr bypass is wonderful). 60-70 gotta be 2 secs or less. Not boasting, just the facts! :)
  16. dazjam

    Folding mirror problem

    Have taken the plunge and bought a new (2ndhand) mirror unit cos I'm assuming the gears are knackered. While I wait I'm gonna test the power is getting through (the smaller 2 pin connector). What a pain in the ass! Will update when I have tried the new unit.
  17. dazjam

    Freelander Sport for sale, low miles

    Now sold
  18. dazjam

    Folding mirror problem

    Hmmph, similarly, I have taken my driver side powerfold off and taken it apart, pins fine, put it back on and ... nothing. Balls! Next stop is check the mirror switch/buy a replacement anyway as they're hella cheap... then consider new mirror unit. Argh! Pic of internals (pins numbered) included...
  19. dazjam

    Folding mirror problem

    My drivers side mirror has had the lurgy for about a year and I have finally decided to have a go so please update on any progress. Elsewhere, a landy technician has suggested that micro switches could be shorting (in the unit itself apparently) or gears worn. In your pic the unit looks to be...
  20. dazjam

    Mirror demon!

    Somewhat late reply; thanks very much for clarification Vissie :) Will have a wee fiddle about and see if I can't find that gremlin :clap2: