1. Pagan

    Built for Midgets?

    yer a bunch of p*** takin anti dwarf, heightist, vertically challenged hating b**tards. :p I mean we do ave our uses us little peeps. Oh, and we are a lot brighter cos there's much more oxygen at our level!! and of course we are the last ones to get wet when it rains. :D
  2. Pagan

    LandyZone Car Stickers

    Oh yes, of course they are high heeled wellies, I'm a doris innit!:D
  3. Pagan

    Built for Midgets?

    Wot u lot got against small people anyway!!
  4. Pagan

    LandyZone Car Stickers

    Ow do slob, if me calculations serve me right, if the stickers are 11.66 cm, it would take approx 12.61 stickers to stick me DOWN wiff!!!!;)
  5. Pagan

    LandyZone Car Stickers

    Eckers Piggy, bit of a shock seeing me mug grinning back at me. That was the day I broke me Landy:( finks it didn't like wading thru the stagnant murky lake of claggy gluey mud. She all fixed now though ready for next time!!:)
  6. Pagan

    LandyZone Car Stickers

    Ey up all !! stick us down for 4.
  7. Pagan

    What kinda site is this then?

    Wot a strange character - get rid !! I'm not workin today eva!!
  8. Pagan

    Garden Video

    OK Wot B*stard knicked me ride and turned the tunes up so loud they blew out me windows and headlamps!!!!!:D
  9. Pagan

    How effective are immbolsers

    Battery cut off switch stopped my mates Landy getting stolen, after they had a go at his, I've had mine alarmed. worth the investment when you consider the money you spend on them.
  10. Pagan

    post yer picture

    Sheeeeeeeit Piggy, I shulda known better than to give you some stick, me thinks you got far too much ammo against me picture wise - doh!! I'll be very nice to yer now, I will, I will, I will..:D:D:o
  11. Pagan

    Hello all - another new member!

    Ey up Osh, welcome to the forum, check out the Haynes Boooh thread, it wernt a popular choice, go wiv another!!
  12. Pagan

    landyzone stickers

    Eee Piggy, I'm keepin me beadys on yer, no decisions without me negotiatin yer fee fust eh??:D:D:D
  13. Pagan

    post yer picture

    ooh, dats bootiful piggy, more bootiful than yer mush!!:D
  14. Pagan

    landyzone stickers

    ey up! I'll 'av a sticker, not a window one t'uva one.
  15. Pagan

    New member

    'Ow do 'eckers, welcome to the forum - like yer choice of name!
  16. Pagan

    Series 2a Convert Front end

    Why not!!! and.... Because you can!!
  17. Pagan

    You get your dream and so does someone else.

    Good point Yella, no-one should accept the first offer - they invariably anticipate that in the first offer anyway don't they. Mind you if accepted now, bit late, it's usually all done on a full and final settlement basis, no quibbles thereafter.:(
  18. Pagan

    Speeding - alas not Landy related

    Bloomin 'ell yer a devious bunch!! BUT if he denies it and drags it out and does get found guilty, havin a pic and all that, won't they throw the book and him and charge him more fer the pleasure? Anyway, aren't them gatso things totally unreliable anyway? didn't one of them register an...
  19. Pagan

    Can they be made bigger?

    Well I'm 4ft 11" and 44 kilos (while were announcing height and weight!!), I have the seat pretty much all the way forward and I still find the view restricting in the Defender, I don't have any windows along the sides at the back and I do have to position myself on the road to get the best view...
  20. Pagan

    Strange Request...

    Cor!! wouldn't they make yer arm ache holdin' em up to yer ear fer a chat like??:D