1. D

    Vibration when braking

    Parisien; I shall be putting Lindt chocolate disc brakes in the stockings for Christmas, what a great idea. Wammers; okay, it’s time to come clean… When this problem first occurred, it was suggested that I had a warped disc. I thought “why bugger about? Just replace...
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    Vibration when braking

    Thor1950; thanks for that suggestion it's really helpful, the new discs only have about 4000 miles on them so any distortion should be easy to measure, I've seen dial indicators on ebay... Wammers, I'm asking questions because I want to have a thorough understanding of what the alternatives to...
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    Vibration when braking

    Well this is all very interesting... I must say categorically that after the refit of new discs and fully aware of how to run them in I did not drive it like I had stolen it. I've learned a lot about my P38 on this forum from guys like you for which I am very grateful but I am not so much of a...
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    Vibration when braking

    Thanks for the comments chaps, I would say in my defense that the possibility of a worped disc is well know to me and so this set were worn in properly. I've had new discs on previuos vehicles and have never managed to warp one yet! However, it was a suspected warped disc that prompted the...
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    Vibration when braking

    Hi all, P38 Diesel braking issue... As I brake from between 55mph down to 35mph, I experience a pretty severe vibration throughout the vehicle, at slower speeds the brakes feel as if they are 'tugging'. In the past, I have replaced discs to eliminate a warped disc which I assumed was the...
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    T'stat problems?

    Hi all, I've been reading a few threads here about overheating diesel P38s. I've had a problem that's been hanging around for ages with my 2.5DSE. For nearly a year now, it's been the victim of sudden overheating. Over time (a year), every element of the cooling system has been replaced...
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    Colly Wobbles

    ...And thank you Tridentbus! D
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    Colly Wobbles

    Thank you Saint.V8, I shall take it to my freindly local and get it up on the ramp tomorrow. Thanks again. D
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    Colly Wobbles

    Hi Rangie brains! I have an on-going problem with a definite wobble, or rumbling when braking. Before you mention warped discs, I'd like you all to consider a world where the discs aren't warped... A world in which attempts have been made to eliminate that as the culprit... What else might...
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    The devil's in the diesel

    Thanks for this so far chaps. Am I being silly but if the baffle was not there, wouldn't the problem be permanent? I've just taken it out and up a killer hill where the fun started and she romped up as good as gold. I'm putting off having the head removed and examined, she's got 120,000 on her...
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    The devil's in the diesel

    Hhmm... That's a good question. How would I check? Is this a reference to the two differing rads; one with the auto box cooler included and the other, not? D
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    The devil's in the diesel

    Hi Guys, A few months ago now, the radiator in my 2.5 dse cracked and was replaced. Soon afterwards, the water pump went. However, there still seemed to be an overheating issue so after finding the viscous fan was iffy, I replaced that. Still overheating when standing in traffic, the thermo...
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    Can I use AC fans instead of the Viscous fan?

    Hi all, Thanks to those who contributed to my head gasket thread, I've narrowed it down to being most likely the Vfan. However, I've read here about a mod that uses the existing twin A/C fans as a substitute to the Vfan, even if it's just to prove it's the Vfan before I go to the expense of...
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    Blown head gasket?

    Checked rad and it's hot top and bottom. Dunno how much a new V fan is but every time something needs replacing I think about an upgrade hence the Kenlowe. I've convinced myself it's all down to the fan. Ta, D
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    Blown head gasket?

    Okay, first of all thanks wammaers, where do I find your 'how to'? but also... What about fitting a Kenlowe instead? Anyone done that here? D
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    Blown head gasket?

    So, as Aerofabrique suggested, I won't trust recently replaced components and I went through the air block procedure, it all seems to be doing what it should but as it began to overheat, I checked the viscous fan. It was spinning but not as fast as it did when the engine was started. I expected...
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    Blown head gasket?

    Hi all, I'm probably here just to get someone to confirm what I'm already thinking but... Last week, radiator split top right hand bit of molding, apparently this isn't uncommon over time as it's a bit of a weak spot. Garage does a 'sniff test' to check the head gasket not leaking etc, all...
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    Key fob problems near high radiation sites

    Hi, I've have been down this road and can confirm all that has been said but I refer you to this article: Battery Drain on a Range Rover 4.0/4.6 And offer this part number:YWY500170 as the final upgrade solution. Don't get the YWY500010as it was an interim fix that isn't as good but may be...
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    BeCM Faraday cage may fill gap in market

    Hi all, I had a fault with the BeCM the other day, well not with it directly but while locked and unattended, the indicators went on permanently and my battery died. Jump start got it going and after a lot of discussion and advice from the lovely members here, it seemed that an under performing...
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    'Blueing' in the fusebox

    Is this still some sort of 'blueing'? D