1. helsbels

    What have you done to your Landie today.

    New alternator, water pump, drive belt, air filter, oil filter, diesel filter, various gaskets and bit n bobs ... I didn't do any of it but I did provide coffee. :D
  2. helsbels

    Are Landy's girls or boys

    :eek: Wash your mouth out immediately!!!!!! Laura's feelings are very hurt by that comment ... she knows she is a person with tyres. :p
  3. helsbels

    Frozen Feet - extra heater?

    I agree with the people who have suggested warm boots as a cheap and easy alternative to increasing the heating. Muck boots are great, sheepskin insoles work wonders and the Extra warm thermal socks from Sealskinz will make your feet toastie warm, even in a Series. :)
  4. helsbels

    Are Defenders Warm? What Can I Buy?

    :D Thanks! :D ... I think! :p
  5. helsbels

    Are Defenders Warm? What Can I Buy?

    My 1980s pre Defender 110 is warm and cosy, even when driving at -10 the other night ... thanks to my sheepskin flying jacket and sheepskin gloves. :p
  6. helsbels

    Wave Etiquette

    I get waves from Series and Fender drivers and will wave to them first if I'm awake enough but it's never occurred to me to wave at a Disco. Ooops, sorry guys. :doh: I am definitely not going to start waving at Freelanders though ... you have to draw the line somewhere. :p
  7. helsbels

    Shy newbie hello!

    That does sound pretty hellish and I like them! :eek:
  8. helsbels

    Shy newbie hello!

    I hardly ever pass a horse on the road ... not sure if that's because I'm always stuck in work when they're on the road or because I'm not going fast enough to overtake ... :doh:
  9. helsbels

    Shy newbie hello!

    My 110 doesn't go anywhere near that fast so I have a far more relaxed attitude to life. :p
  10. helsbels

    Shy newbie hello!

    Sorry guys, I haven't worn a suit yet this week and didn't think anyone would want to see a pic of thick tights and Ugg boots! I posted this one on the "pin up" thread earlier, so I'll put it here too ... I'm showing knees, even if I'm not wearing a skirt! :D
  11. helsbels

    Shy newbie hello!

    They are gorgeous! I think both the youngsters are going to do very well. :) You're right, they are breeding bigger horses in both breeds and in this financial climate there are some Iberian bargains to be had, although there are still some seriously overpriced ones about ... just as with...
  12. helsbels

    Shy newbie hello!

    So I'm told. I warn them of that on a regular basis. ;)
  13. helsbels

    Shy newbie hello!

    Your horses sound lovely. :) Sorry for the change of topic btw boys, normal Landy talk will resume soon. :p This is my PRE mare, she is British bred. My DHP gelding (who is on the left and actually on loan from a friend) and Welsh Section C mare (on right) And my Luso mare, who I imported.
  14. helsbels

    Shy newbie hello!

    Hi! :) I've got 4 horses, well 2 horses ( a Lusitano and a purebred Spanish) and 2 ponies (Welsh C and Dartmoor Hill Pony). I only hack and have the occasional lesson at the moment but would like to do a few stressage and little jumpy comps at some point. All are grass kept and the field is...
  15. helsbels

    Shy newbie hello!

    :lol: I'm in the SW Midlands, 5'4", previously married but now with a lovely man who is highly amused that I am driving a Landy but has so far fixed all the little problems she has had. :D You wouldn't be so quick to ask me to cook for you if you'd actually experienced my cooking. :eek:
  16. helsbels

    Shy newbie hello!

    I was really lucky that she came to me, a real case of right place right time. I had looked in the classified and on ebay and like you, had found £1500 to be the bottom line and most of them were no better than the one I bought, at least with her, I have the £1000 to spend on fixing some of her...
  17. helsbels

    Shy newbie hello!

    I will get some piccies, although I fear the picture in your head will be far better than the reality. :eek: You can have a giggle anyway. :)
  18. helsbels

    Shy newbie hello!

    :D I was anticipating some, I must admit. :p Thanks for the welcome guys. :D
  19. helsbels

    Shy newbie hello!

    Hi, I've been a member for a while but have lurked and looked things up using the search facility, but never posted so I thought it was time to remember my manners and say hello. :) My name's Helen and I'm in my late 30s (which is obviously nowhere near 40! ;) ) and in August this year, I...