1. B

    what a f@#king morning

    Ancient Chinese proverb says 'beware of bossman who calls in favour'...that pallet load of crocodiles nobody want's to hand ball and then tramp up to the Highland Wildlife Park (the wrong side of Inverness) has your name all over it, as do the tins of kitty-kat you will be expected to feed...
  2. B

    The P38 has been sold

    You'll be back.....P38 ownership is a perversion and an addiction!
  3. B

    What colour is she???

    That is I think too light for Oxford Blue....Hugo is Oxford Blue (code 602) as seen in the photos below....
  4. B

    Rear ashtray wont stay closed

    yep...super glue and eventually a replacement for £3.00 won on the bay of flea was my solution:crazy_driver:...In my humble opinion, the rear ashtray is singularly the worst piece of interior trim to adorn the P38...as for switchgear, quite definitely the HEVAC!!!!!
  5. B

    What did you do with your Range Rover today

    Stuck two fingers up at the weather, sucked the mop of expense with regard to fuel, loaded the kids, dog and a picnic into the Rangie and drove into Wales for a day on the banks of Lake Bala......We were the only ones there!!!! What a superb day!
  6. B

    nappa seats

    are these the ones on the bay of flea at the moment?
  7. B

    What did you do with your Range Rover today

    Removed the front passenger seat, scrubbed out 15 years worth of crud, cleaned and treated the leather with Gliptone and went for a blast! :5bparty:
  8. B

    town & country

    :mil28: ah P38 envy......now there's something! I often look at HSE's and think to myself, if only I had an H.....but still, I console myself in the knowledge that the H in HSE equates to more things to break and go wrong than with a humble SE':drum:
  9. B

    Is my P38 lying to me....?!

  10. B

    What's a lad to do?

    hmmm....Disco 4? Never really thought about that, large load space ideal for the family camping trips. I did think briefly about something sleek, but where I live, it really does have to be up high and mighty, and I do need good all weather performance so to speak! As for reliability, my Lode...
  11. B

    What's a lad to do?

    Ok, so the Mrs has said i can spend up to 35k on a newer Rangie, but I'm confused, not only by her generosity (quite clearly she wants something in return), but by the choice! To be fair, she does say now I'm in my 40's I should reward myself! I love my P38, but it is 15 years old and tired, do...
  12. B

    On my radio, on my radio, on my radio...

    And there I was tuning in hoping for some Pauline Black of Selector fame....doh! If it's any consolation My diversity has gone well pete tongue and I'm thinking of replacing it with a shiny DAB unit....but then I am pondering my P38 anyway.....
  13. B

    4.0 v8 petrol mpg?

    My 1998 4.0V8 122000 miles, poor service history dual fuel daily commute of 13 miles each way in normal traffic evenly split between unrestricted A roads, B roads and town centre....on petrol average 18mpg on LPG 15mpg..........motorway driving normal conditions maintaining average of 60mph...
  14. B

    My attempt at servicing appears to have gone Pete Tongue!

    Thanks everybody, it seems now to have settled down and is running well, I suspect that for some reason, it has taken a while for 'Hugo' to realise he has new oil, plugs and leads...he seems to have been abused by his previous keeper and is now receiving and getting used to the milk of human...
  15. B

    My attempt at servicing appears to have gone Pete Tongue!

    Good evening those wiser than I in all things P38! Okay, where do I start with this one? Those of you who read my intro will know that I'm not particularly gifted where spanners and socket sets are concerned...but in these times of austerity, it very much is a case if you don't have a go...
  16. B

    Official the P38 is the worst Landrover ever made

    I love my P38, pain in the arse though it may be.....I am learning bit by bit and once the urgent jobs are tackled, I'll be going forward to back refurbing it.
  17. B

    Fusebox related, silly question time!

    Thanks as always for the prompt responses....and as always spot on Wammers! Put the 'old' fusebox back on which in all fairness appeared new when taken apart and hey-presto, everything is back to normal! (ahh define normal with a P38 I hear you say). Suffice to say everything that was working...
  18. B

    Fusebox related, silly question time!

    Good afternoon denizens of P38 land! And yes, it may seem like a silly question and you will forgive me for seeking advice from other forums, however, I do seem to have acquired an issue with Hugo (only one I hear you mutter under your breath:hysterically_laughi ). I swapped the fusebox...
  19. B

    P38 test drive.. what to look out for ?

    I moved from a V8 Disco 2 to a 1998 V8 P38...what did I do? When they go wrong, they go wrong in the most spectacular of ways.....I am learning the hard way! So things to look out for....I'll base them on the problems I have discovered from back to front. Rear tailgate: make sure that it...