
Active Member
hi all,iv been reading a few threads about this,and its ither people are getting 10-12 mpg,or 20-25 mpg! this may sound wierd but is there anyone that runs one everyday that can give me a sensible figure of what they get,if its in the expected 10's(15-19) or very low 20's then that sound reasonable,but 12 mpg,u cud get more from a 3.5 on carbs ,surely not from efi,unless its a hooligun driving it! just would like to know a sensible figure,for sensible driving on mostly main roads,and a few backlanes everyday and sensible speeds like 30-50 mph!

thanks,tom! :D
driving my 3.9 disco every day getting 16-20 local short trips to shops etc etc driving to see family. 22-24 gentle driving on a run. average 18-19 to a tank.
thats not bad mate, ma mums 300tdi auto disco gets abot 20 most of the time,on short journeys,abit more on long journeys,so ur old v8 is doing quite well! realy,they arnt that bad for the size of the engine! just my dad has a p38 on the drive,and he dosent use it,so i said well i can fuel it,lets see what the insurance is,and its not that bad,so its better it gets used! and ill be selling my series soon,so i will just end up buying another one,whats the point if i can use that one! dont do may miles anyways,so wont cost me a bomb! lol :D

thanks for the reply! :D
my old 4.6 gave me 11mpg over 1000miles
avrege 50-50 motorway-town/stop start driving but i did have a heavy foot
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had a few V6's and this V8. Keep leads plugs in good nick and they ain't to bad if you just burble around, Make her roar and you will drink the fuel and see 12 mpg :p
yea thought that would be the case,i might go out occasionaly,but not much,and i aint used to much power,so wont have a heavy foot atall,might give her the odd blast tho! :D
and yea i think thats the trick with the old petrol v8's,keep them happy,and they will keep you happy,but its just never used,so might be abit thirsty to start with,but if im using it everyday,hopefully she will not be too bad,it seems to change gear quite nice,and chenges into fourth at 45-50 mph,so if i dont rag it,and stay around 50 mph,shud be alrite! :D thanks for the replys!
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My 1998 4.0V8 122000 miles, poor service history dual fuel daily commute of 13 miles each way in normal traffic evenly split between unrestricted A roads, B roads and town centre....on petrol average 18mpg on LPG 15mpg..........motorway driving normal conditions maintaining average of 60mph 28mpg petrol 25mpg LPG
well i have a few months to decided what im going to do,i could have a disco,but thats auto aswell( im not allowed to buy another car so i have to have ma mum or ma dads car,becuase my mother wats a stag witch selling my series will fund half of! :confused::eek:) and the disco is nearly as **** on fuel too,so should i have v8 power and smoothnes, or tdi power,and abit of roughness,and a tad more fuel economy i know what id rather! it wud make me a mad man tho! :D
well i have a few months to decided what im going to do,i could have a disco,but thats auto aswell( im not allowed to buy another car so i have to have ma mum or ma dads car,becuase my mother wats a stag witch selling my series will fund half of! :confused::eek:) and the disco is nearly as **** on fuel too,so should i have v8 power and smoothnes, or tdi power,and abit of roughness,and a tad more fuel economy i know what id rather! it wud make me a mad man tho! :D

Go V8, Followed a TDI back from buying mine and because he was booting it more to keep up he didn't get any better fuel economy.
i would mate,but my mum and dad have made my mind up for me now,gotta have the disco,so as much as i would love to have the rangerover,i cant now! oh well will have one soon tho! and will be a 4.6 aswell! i am only 18,nearly 19fuelwould sort of wipe me out,wud be lovely to drive tho,coz i do love them but will wait till i am on more money! i do like diesels but i love the v8's,much more of a v8 man i am!!!! :D

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