1. S

    Santana Land Rovers

    go for it santanas are how landrover should of built landrovers in the first place, they took every thing good you can buy as an upgrade and fit them as standard in my opinion they are well worth the money.
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    Greenlanes and Just off the lane....!!!!!

    not a problem but as a rights off way worker what you have to remeber that it might be a right of way but the land belongs to someone (ie private land ) and i can tell you that some land owners look for any excuse to have rights of ways down graded or extingwished so it is best not to give them...
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    Newbie: S3 SWB are all hardtops removable?

    may be cold but they dont leak as much lol
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    pure luck and being in the right place at the right time (and they are all **** if we were al honest pmsl ) try land rover owner international good luck
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    1983 Series 3 Landy

    as soon as you start to rebuild, the price far out weighs the amount you will get back as long wheel base landis fetch far less than short wheel base landis. i am all ready at a loss as i have put parabolic springs on new loom knl filtters new carb taken out the oil bath filter new brake lines...
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    1983 Series 3 Landy

    to be honest when you rebuild a landi you do it out of love not for the money you can get back,i never pay more than 2000 for s 3 ever no mater what they have had done