1. J


    They are a tat anoying are Carvans or is it the people pulling the things??
  2. J

    Ode to the oil leak

    If its from the ball joint then you will need ball joint seals, you can also replace oil in ball joint with grease, which you can buy in a handy packet from most land rover suppliers, look in Landy mag.
  3. J

    Stupid question

    The real problem is once oil heats up it stores the heat, thats why they use it in heaters. So if it was in your motor it would get hotter as yer fan would not be able til transfer the heat fast enough.
  4. J

    anti 4x4 brigade!!!!!!!!

    Most of what they are saying is crap. Aprt from the fact that four by fours are not the worst offenders. I think most of it is jealousy as they can't aford a good motor. Easily led!
  5. J

    help pick an air freshner

    What does leather taste like?? Probably like the seat of yer pants then?
  6. J

    Couple of quickies about the P38

    P38 prone to electrical problems usually bad connections, so test that all the bits work properly as they should. air Compressors do go on average every 100.000 miles as do air springs. It is how ever a Range Rover one of the best luxury cars available, that can go off road anyway, so can be a...
  7. J

    range rover dse

    I am agree with Zia a good well looked after classic can be a good choice. as P38 are prone to problems. the last of the classics (The soft dash) have harmon karden sound system, air suspension ABS traction control, and they are likely to stabilise in price and maybe even go up in value...
  8. J

    New Motor On Order !!!!!

    If its fancy and shiny and someone in a shiny suit says its great then we all want one, and when we can't because we have not the dosh then we try and ridicle. Hmm Who would refuse a sport then if it where on offer and really cheap?????
  9. J

    CD Multi changer problem?

    I had someone with this problem and they were putting the discs in upside down, in the magazine.
  10. J

    the worst ever landrover

    Ah-Body's queer but you and me, and at times I think your queer to. My granny used to say that to me. maybe she was right!! Ahh well! a Land Rovers a Kand Rover for a that! hhmm Rab burns was ot not?
  11. J

    the worst ever landrover

    Oooh I like a bit of cheese I do, makes me think of funny things like weeblenders, and the hairdressers in them, really nice they are to, with there wee hair dryers and things.
  12. J

    Cost of parts!

    You can get plastic filler now. Try Halfords or somewhere like that.
  13. J

    Do you know what it is?

    It looks like a anti harmonic thingy that is usually on front steering axle. mounted differantly. Looks like sombody's added one maybe cause of some strange harmonics of bumbs etc.
  14. J

    hi range in my disco

    Is it stiff to put into high. sounds like its not going in all the way. most likly wear in linkage
  15. J

    bit of help plz guys

    Other things that cause this is a wheel sensor problem eather wiring bad joint on an earth or connector or wheel sensor needing a little adjustment
  16. J

    Please can anyone help

    If could be leaking hose comming from Turbo had one that was gutless and stalled easily turned out hose from turbe to intercooler leaking and had seperated internally and was chocking engine.
  17. J

    P38 Air Compressor comes on alot???

    If compressor comes on a lot its usually a leak in airspring or hoses. Does the car drop over night? isolate air suspension first.
  18. J

    P38 Air Compressor comes on alot???

    The car should give a burst of air for a quick burst as this blows any water out of the air dryer. which is ther to ensure that the air in the system is moisture free.
  19. J

    Classic fuel gauge problem

    First check around the weded area for damaged wires as Nick said, If it is sender ther should be an access panel in floor, if not its easier to drop tank a bit than cut holes.
  20. J

    weird stuff you can find on ebay

    Putting them in a jam jar does not preserve them for later years