1. N

    Freelander rear subframe cracking

    Just thought it might be a bit of useful info for any that may have got overlooked. At least if anyone searches this defect there will be an answer for them now
  2. N

    Freelander rear subframe cracking

    Some info that might be of interest
  3. N

    Engine noise ?

    Thanks for your reply's. You've put my mind at ease as this doesn't sound as serious as i first thought. I only bought the vehicle last saturday and haven't had a chance to look around it but hopefully will this weekend (weather permitting)
  4. N

    Engine noise ?

    Hi all Ive recently bought a TD4 on an 04 with 46000 on it and ive noticed a tapping noise coming from the engine area when i drive it from cold :-(. It sounds like a diesel knock and it happens when i accelerate fairly hard in each gear for a few seconds, so it only happens when the engine...
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    Water in tool well

    Ive just bought an 04 model and to my surprise it to had water in the tool well. After a quick investigation i found the tailgate catch (the one fixed to the D post) was loose and this was allowing water to run down the inside of the tailgate, under the rear panel trim and into the tool well. I...
  6. N

    Hi all

    Hi all Just bought another freelander. I had crossed over to the dark side for a while but im back and its landrovers here on in:)