1. L

    Tweeting Squeeking

    Tottot might be bang on - mine had the exact same problem and it been annoying me for the last couple of weeks. Got it up on the ramp on friday and, you've guessed it, hardy spicer joint on the ront prop is absolutely hanging! Good call tottot.
  2. L

    In car tunes...

    If its any help, I scoured ebay for some bits and ended up with : Polk Audio 5 1/2 components (separate mids by your ears and tweeters stuck to the screen) 2 x kenwood amps (one x 4 channel bridged to give about 200 w per channel rms) and a single 1800 w (500 watt rms) sub amp running a kicker...
  3. L

    Winter servicing advice

    The engine runs a treat, but you buggers have got me paranoid - every time I drive it now, it sounds a little more like a ticking bomb!
  4. L

    Winter servicing advice

    Hi, Tomorrow will see my 2.5TD having a good service ready for the winter. Just wondering if anyone has any advice or tips for those little extra jobs that might make a difference (like flushing the engine before new oil, redex etc)? Its done 110,000 miles by the way, so needs looking after...
  5. L

    headlights failed on my 90 defender help please

    No idea what the problem is and good luck finding it, but it you light a couple of nightlights and stick 'em on the wings, you'll probably never know the difference!
  6. L

    Insa Turbos.

    Totally agree with JP. I drove mine back from Cardiff to Devon and they're so loud it's funny - they have this frequency at about thirty that just resonates through your skull. Work well off road for me though, but you have to be a bit careful of tank-slapper moments on road if you change...
  7. L

    light upgrades

    I've just put some extra lights on mine for the winter, but went for an M&M pod, so I can take it off when someone turns the sun back on next year! Not eveyone's cup of tea, but I love it.
  8. L

    Coolest Landrover you've seen thread

    I like mine, but then I would I suppose! Bit of alloy wheel bling, plus built-in 'James Bond' style smoke screen from the 19J (though I can't find the button to turn it off). Not too ridiculous as I'm not precious enough about it and it gets used all the time.
  9. L

    What have you done to your Landie today.

    Cooked some bacon sarnies for the boys at the local car show!
  10. L

    What the hell have I bought

    I'm a great believer in 'if it sounds right or looks right, it is right' and even more a believer in 'if I like it and you don't, balls to you', so highly commend your 6 cylinder purchase (my last classic was a 6 cylinder GT6 and it sounded wonderful - not as wonderful as my v8, but cool...
  11. L

    What the hell have I bought

    2k, but with the rider that it actually is better than it looks there!
  12. L

    What the hell have I bought

    I bought it last week - before I put the money back in the bank and was too chicken to take it out again. In fact once I had heard it, I capitulated on the spot and probaly paid over the odds for it, but what the hell, it does sound lovely. Pics are after it after it has been 'prepped for...
  13. L

    What the hell have I bought

    After driving all the way from Exeter to Kidderminster to buyer an 'excellent' series 2a, that, surprise surprise, turned out to be a well-photographed dog in dog's clothing, I found somthing interesting just a couple of miles form home... I know that it's a '71 Lightweight that was rebuilt on...