1. G

    speedy flashing RH indicator

    Check that all the indicator bulbs are working...normally if one if broken it causes the remaining ones on that side of the car to blink twice as fast. I think it something to do with capicitors (casting my mind back to GCSE science!) If a bulb is gone - change it, and that should solve the...
  2. G

    Steering Issue

    Thanks for the reply... No, haven't heard any whining noises, but I will check the levels anyway. Tyre pressures are all correct... It's seems odd that it is only in one direction...
  3. G

    Steering Issue

    Discover TD5 Seris2 GS7 When driving along, particularly at low speed, or parking it becomes very difficult to steer the car to the left (right is fine). Its as if the power steering stops working... any ideas?? grovesy