1. R

    every trail for the iphone ?good/bad

    i have just got 8 down off it but it seems to be good and the more we use it the better it shud get or not but thats we will see in time
  2. R

    every trail for the iphone ?good/bad

    any one been useing the ever trail for the iphone is it any good as its seems like it is but so do a lot of things but it is very cheep
  3. R

    Almost stolen last night

    sorry to see more theves at it agane i find securing the battery box top and haveing a proper key isolater works well
  4. R

    gear me a break

    some times you lot are very harsh on here. but some times thay just ask for more and more and more and 11 made me pmsl
  5. R

    Landrover I.D's For sale on ebay!

    grate pic mate
  6. R

    Landrover I.D's For sale on ebay!

    yes i am thank you for noticeing
  7. R

    Landrover I.D's For sale on ebay!

    look this has all come from some one thingking that a "jipsy " has stolen his landy but that may be right or rong we dont no but to tar all is not right i get fedup with being made out to be a theif when i am not i would be most upset if some one stole my landy im hopeing that peeps will be more...