1. M

    TD5 alarm fault

    I have 2 key fobs and both of them do this and now it is like they have packed in all together. I dont know where to start as so many different things I have read on here about this sort of problem, I am starting with fully charging the landy battery, yet if this does not work, where do I go...
  2. M

    `03 Discovery TD5 starting Problem

    Oh, I will try this too and fingers crossed its the battery with my landy. Got 2 key fobs, not locking the doors, lights come on when placed in the ignition and turned, then when fully turned - NOTHING and big fat NOTHING. No noise, nothing. Now put the charger on and its reading - Charging...
  3. M

    TD5 immobiliser

    Hi, looks like there are quite a few of us with this problem. I have 2 key fobs of which I can not lock the car with (lucky it was open for us so at least we can get in her) nor will either of the ignition keys start her. Like others I thought this to be the immobiliser as they lights on the...
  4. M

    TD5 Immobiliser "spider" problem?

    Looking at the year of this, I was just wondering if you ever got this problem sorted out, as guess what, yes I have a troublesome 1999 TD5 too. What did you eventually do to resolve this problem please?? thanks