1. O

    HELP!!! - front radius arm bush renewel not going as planned!

    Sorted, drop the anti roll bar, 4 nuts and bolts, thanks guys
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    HELP!!! - front radius arm bush renewel not going as planned!

    I am now having the same problem, and the links will not open, how did this get resolved, I need it sorting asap please.
  3. O

    vibration at 60mph through car

    Tyres ok ?
  4. O

    pulling to left when braking

    Had another closer look, front radius arm bushes are shot, gonna replace them first, thankyou for your replies so far
  5. O

    pulling to left when braking

    Hi all, I have done a search, but all answers lean towards brakes or bearings. I have a disco 300tdi and on saturday it started pulling to the left on braking, also noticed it pulls to the right when breaking in reverse. I have checked brakes, they are all working, checked for movement in the...
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    diagnosis help please

    Spot on speedway, absolutely siezed solid, thatkyou chaps
  7. O

    diagnosis help please

    The battery is fully charged
  8. O

    diagnosis help please

    Morning chaps, im a little bit stuck. Yesterday my disco was running really well did about 250 miles no probs. About 200yds from home the rev counter dropped to zero, then on my drive smoke billowed from the bonnet. I had to switch off with the key, now she will not start. When I try I she will...
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    looking for someone to double up in lincolnshire

    hi all, im looking for someone to double up on local lincolnshire lanes, anybody interested :D
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    noob help. whats this under the bonnet

    fook me, he was being serious
  11. O


    went to change the mfu today, found a replacement for the swap, now, because i have the wrong surname :mad:, the replacment i had was the black one and when i got the fuse box out i need the cream one AMR5360. anybody got one in their parts bin :bounce:.
  12. O

    Guess what MPG my Disco 1 tdi (manual) will be?

    29.6mpg, have a good trip
  13. O

    Top speed?

    WTF. discos are not meant for speed, wanna go fast buy a sports car, wanna have fun stick wiv the landy :D UK speed limit 70mph i dont go near that. :confused:
  14. O

    A-Z of engine parts

    jump leads....lol
  15. O

    Underslung LPG tanks vs offroading

    spanked my underslung tanks on a previous v8, managed to relocate one of them 2" towards the rear end, get some guards made up if your gonna do it.
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    air in fuel

    job done took all of ten minutes and i think a positive result, no air when i bled system. thankyou shocker, i found an area to cut just before the first clip after the sedimeter.
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    air in fuel

    i plan to bypass the sedimenter today, ive got 2 meters of 8mm fuel pipe and hose clips. i plan to go from the tank outlet, but not exactly sure where in front of the sedimenter to cut. any thoughts please Gary
  18. O

    quick advice needed please

    i am a novice wo is about to adjust te tappets, i am not nervous about tis having read te treads, but before i go in, i have purchased some stem cover caps just in case, but intend to replace all. question is do te caps just pop off and then just press back on again or is there anyting i should...
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    ok guy's im going in

    thanx dave, ive ordered gasket and stem cap thingy's so going in next weekend
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    ok guy's im going in

    im new to all this head off stuff, and you guys really helped me in my fuel supply crisis, thankyou. i now intend to atempt to sort out my rattling tappets. i have read the threads, but really want to know before i go in, what do i need in addition to tools. my tappets are rattling like fook and...