
Well-Known Member
Hi All,

In an effort to put an end to my "strange noises" thread, I'm changing the front radial arm bushes tonight. I've manage to get everything set up, both wheels off, tracking rod off (popped ball joints), sitting nicely on 2 axle stands, got the 2 front nuts off the 2 bolts on one of the radius arms


There's a bloody great drop link thingy in the way of one of the bolts! The forward most bolt will slide out OK I think, but the rear bolt (out of the 2 at the front of the radius arm) will only go as far as the bit of casting at the top of this drop link thing - it's connected to the anti roll bar, if that helps.

I can't see anything about it in haynes, or GTR, or the workshop manual. How can I get the bolt out?

Help much appreciated - I'll stay inside for 20 mins to dry off while I await a LZ miracle cure! ;)


not sure but i think it does have to take roll bar off.i got link to manual here look..

Def 90 110 Wsm Book6 Supplement- 200TDI Engine

Cheers BoB - that's just the engine supplement I'm afraid. I need the suspension bit - anyway, I've got the 300tdi one (which mine is), and it says bugger all about the anti-roll bar. There's also no anti roll bar in busters "how-to" - It only seems to be an issue on one side, so I guess it's a matter of jacking and positioning, but I'm buggered if I can figure it out!

I've given up for this evening anyway - 3 hours in the pouring rain is quite enough for one evening...
I am now having the same problem, and the links will not open, how did this get resolved, I need it sorting asap please.
Hi There,

I'm sorry, it was so long ago that I can't remember exactly how I did this. I know I managed it in the end though... and then spent hours in the sodding rain with a blowtorch trying to burn out the old bushing material, & then drifted out the sleeves. It was the job that finally did me in... I sold the landy a few weeks later.

The problem in the end turned out to be the panhard rod bushes anyway! sodding thing!

Everything to do with the radius arms had to use the good old traditional landrover tool kit - crowbar, lump hammer, 5ft of scaffold pole.... you get the idea! Lining everything up again after fitting the new bushes (polybushes) was a knightmare too... lots of wedging & jacking needed to get the holes to line up.

Good luck! (hopefully someone can provide new links)


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