1. F

    How "Diff Lock" Works and When To Use it

    Makes more sense now. Cheers mate.
  2. F


    Consequences of running out of gas.................vechile STOPS:D:D
  3. F

    Rover Rescue/First Aid

    livers..I wish I had youre obvious creative talent.
  4. F

    Rover Rescue/First Aid

    Try Surrey First Aid, I did a Mountain First Aid Cert. Only a weekend course, cost was approx 140.oo, they did offer a 3 for the price of 2. Ive done loads of courses and found that these guys were great, more situation first aid than ur average course. p ennies well spent.:)
  5. F

    Friday night fred

    Reaching for the Guiness gotta get this image outta me ead.:eek:
  6. F

    Friday night fred

    vegetables with beef pie... Erm girl food.
  7. F

    Friday night fred

    Looking for inspiration...............
  8. F

    2.5 to 3.5 lpg questions

    Hi Dont knew much about landies in general new to them meself, however I'm running a 3.5 v8 110 csw on lpg alls good.:D
  9. F

    Junior drivers

    Hi Everyone that has taken the time to read and comment on this thread. Thanks for the PM's of support. I have gained alot of useful information so am extremely chuffed that I asked the question. If the junior driver in question does choose to move forward with their driving, then they have...
  10. F

    Junior drivers

    Hi Guys Thanks for the latest comments and advice, now were rockin, with a more solid picture of what I was looking for . Cheers All.:)
  11. F

    Junior drivers

    WOW, You ever opened your mouth and later thought OH S***. Just to clarify, I'm 40 something, have no idea why I have junior member under the name of me Landy, thought it was a quirk of the site cause not been a member long. I,ve Never done any p*p or any desent off roading. I would however...
  12. F

    Junior drivers

    Well thanks for that, now I can tell the teenage freeloader that the answer to their question is NO. There are NO events for you. You have done me a great service Sir and no doubt saved me an absolute fortune.
  13. F

    Advice please.

    ok thats the next thing to check then. Cheers.
  14. F

    Junior drivers

    Anyone know of any events for young drivers (14yrs) please.
  15. F

    Advice please.

    Cheers for the suggestions everyone that took time to answer my cry for help. Have been out for a drive today and sods law, did'nt hear a thing, no grinding or anything. Did checkout the the things that were suggested by everyone. Will be in it all weekend so fingers crossed eh. Thanks all...
  16. F

    Advice please.

    I have a 1990 110 CSW and I'm new to Landys, I'm looking for any advice with the following problem. NS Front wheel is making a grinding noise. Grinding noise seems to be worse when travelling slowly, as speed increases noise drops off. Only thing that springs to mind is brakes possibly binding...