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    Do you sleep in your Landy?

    Ok, not sure where to put this but i need some advice, have converted the back of the landy to sleep in but we would like an awning for the side that attatches to the landy, can anyone recommend any good ones, cause i can't help but think that oztent are really expensive! Thank you!x
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    New Landy

    Thats a very pretty red defender!xx
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    New Landy

    Wow just logged back in and seen all the replies, thank you very much! Still not scared off and have done my first trip to Gaydon over the weekend and it was great! Did anyone else go? Opinions?xx
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    owned my 110 for 3days! broken already!!

    If it makes you feel any better mine ate a gear and transfer box on the way home, 1.5k later, i'm not going to jinx it by saying she's fine, but you get my drift! Good luck!x
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    Optima Red or Yellow Top

    Ok i'm not a gent but replying anyway, my otherhalf is in the same situation as yourself except he has added a night heater to his, he uses two optima yellow tops and they seem to do the job very nicely, one for all the toys and lights and one for the actual landy, and i only have one cause my...
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    last in

    I've recently brought my first landy, go with what your instinct tells you when you go to buy, because i didn't and mine to date has cost more to repair than thye cost of the vehicle!! Good Luck happy hunting!! PS Perhaps go to Gaydon to see if any are for sale?? Love Dot
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    New Landy

    Hi my name is Ellie and i am new to the forum, in the middle of last year i brought my second car which is a red defender which has been converted to a csw by Land Rover, in the 9 months that i have owned her i have replaced the gear and transfer box the cross member all wheel bearings 2cv...