1. jonasserra

    L322 Petrol in TD6....

    No issues at all.... Meanwhile mechanic rung me and told me everything is allright!! :):) Serviced filters and oils (engine, gear box, transmission and diferentials)
  2. jonasserra

    L322 Petrol in TD6....

    Just left the l322 in the shop for servicing. Hope to get good news from my mechanic soon...
  3. jonasserra

    L322 Petrol in TD6....

    Well, i just wonder why the computer now reads about 18mpg when before would read 20mpg...:oops: (have to change my picture...replace the P38 for the L322)
  4. jonasserra

    L322 Petrol in TD6....

    Hi norseman look like a bi-fuel....but just only for that time. Will not repeat it no more!! :confused: And hope no harm done to fuel system nor engine..
  5. jonasserra

    L322 Petrol in TD6....

    Hi Juke179 Yep, belive he will do that! :cool:
  6. jonasserra

    L322 Petrol in TD6....

    (hope you understand me, as i am not english) Hi all Big big mistake. I puted petrol in the tank (about 25liters ~7galons) when fuel tank was almost reaching low level (light didnt lit though), not noticed that and run for about 50km (-30miles)....well, i heard engine slightly rattling but not...
  7. jonasserra

    BeCM fault?

    Issues sorted with a "new" fuse box! Replaced my fused box with a "new" one, and it seems so far that the issues reported vanished.
  8. jonasserra

    BeCM fault?

    Well, i begun by the fuse box, and found it this way: Tomorrow will test the car with other fuse box...
  9. jonasserra

    BeCM fault?

    Yep, it seems its a bad ground. Headlight bulbs are the correct wattage. I've noticed, at night, the headlights sometimes dimms..noticed that when stoped at the traffic lights. Where can i find some kind of map of the grouns points in the P38? (rave just shows pictures of the...
  10. jonasserra

    BeCM fault?

    Hello Not sure if it's a BECM fault but all points in that direction. When I flash the lights, stereo turns off, the speed pointer fall for a moment and the dashboard lights dimms. Not the alternator, that's for sure (my mechanich assured me). Here in Portugal i believe no one...
  11. jonasserra

    What Spares do you keep?

    Block valve Compressor Set O rings plus diaphragm Bulbs for hevac and dashboard Alarm sensor (...)
  12. jonasserra

    Replacement air springs

    Range Rover, Wod's Site, Restauration, Replacement of 2. generation mkII p38 airspring with Arnott generation 3 Airspring,
  13. jonasserra

    Hevac display.

    ...dont know if theres an issue with the hevac unit..or it is the sensor... but for sure it wasnt -40ºC outside!!!
  14. jonasserra

    Cruise Control troubleshooting

    Hi! Is there any diference between the petrol modules and the diesel ones? (inverter and ECU) Mine is a May/98 DSE. Regards Joao
  15. jonasserra

    What mileage is your Range Rover P38 on? (1994 to 2002)

    P38 DSE, May 1998 440.000km - 273000mil (from....until 2011) engine changed a year ago, now: 240.000km - 149100mil
  16. jonasserra

    P38 HEVAC control unit

    That will just change the units.. But what if i just swap the display? Is it an easy job? (sorry for hijack your thread lizalandy, but if i started a new thread would be redundant)
  17. jonasserra

    injector pump recon?? was it worth it??

    I bought one recon from a bosh centre (in portugal) and my DSE is running like new!! (around 1000euros) No more issues starting hot, or cold.
  18. jonasserra

    P38 HEVAC control unit

    Just bought one from ebay for my 1998 DSE. The ebay unit as the same part number as mine (although was made in 2000). Everything works fine, but it reads ext temp 0ºC (32F), when my unit reads 22ºC.. (my unit displyas is deffective....doesnt show all the figures...) Any ideas?
  19. jonasserra

    P38 Idle problems??

    Could it be the crankshaft sensor? Mine DSE had the rev at above 2000rpm idle and was a faulty crank shaft sensor..
  20. jonasserra

    P38 DSE - Alternator error

    This is kind of third world country....around big cities, all is fine and prety (well.....almost). About EU funds.....mate, i didnt vote in the guys that are (mis)ruling my country. They spent EU funds like there was no tomorrow (as we use to say). At the country side, we find the most strange...