1. P

    Manifolds where from MGBhive - look good from outside but need work to soom out on inside. good...

    Manifolds where from MGBhive - look good from outside but need work to soom out on inside. good price though!
  2. P

    v8 -accelerator pedal not returning

    On my V8 conversion i binned throttle bar and ran cable striaght to pedal.... Got a piccy of shackles?
  3. P

    I'M BACK!!! And a new project - target 50mpg

    Hello Boys and Girls, Missed you lot and the my old tub! So not sure if you followed but at beginning of this year I finished series 3 with TVR engine conversion with I reconned had about 300BHP (before supercharger.... god only knows how much with)..... ...Results where eemmmmmm...
  4. P

    4.6 into 3.9

    As Above! I put a 4.3 in a 3.9....
  5. P

    Top hat liner block

    Oh and balance everthing! Pistons, rods, Cranks and get everthing matched! On heads and inlets make sure inlet volumes are matched as well!
  6. P

    Top hat liner block

    Couple of things to add - make sure block is cross bolted! ARP studs are not really needed, but for the sake of a few quid more why not.. You DEFFO need to machine heads for Double valve Springs - need to make seats to suit - shortening guides and bulleting is a good idea - mainly for...
  7. P

    Fuel Pressure regulator Question..

    SORTED!!!! See Running mega rich thread.... Turns out you need breather from head cover attached to the plenum....
  8. P

    Running Stupidly Rich

    I got it ! Turns out I had blocked off the vaccuum to the breather on the head on the plenum, as I didn't want the contaminated air going into the recently cleaned plenum... ...So as more air was been pushed through the MAS for a given throttle opening it was running MEGA rich. Moral of...
  9. P

    Running Stupidly Rich

    Just in the process of installing EFI.... ...Its running like a bag of nails idle hunts and is slow to pick up... ...Just removed plugs and they are really really soothed up. Any ideas what would cause this? Check spark and it looks ok..
  10. P

    Fuel Pressure regulator Question..

    Gotcha! So over fueling would follow with PFR running at 40PSI all the time? Reason I started - me engine is misfiring when pulling away between 1500 & 3000PM, but fine stabing throttle on driveway. As you may of gathered, I have retro fitted EFI to a carb engine, (I know NOTHING about EFI -...
  11. P

    Fuel Pressure regulator Question..

    Not sure if I get it - I figured that as revs rise you would need more pressure to put more fuel in to keep up with increased demand...?
  12. P

    Fuel Pressure regulator Question..

    Just to add to that I have disconneced vaccuum completely and it is running at 40PSI all the time, is there any detrement to that?
  13. P

    Fuel Pressure regulator Question..

    Just trying to work out effect on Fuel pressure regulator (FPR) by not connecting the vacuum... I have it set @ 40PSI with no vacuum.... ...Thing is as I suck on vacuum pipe regulator drops pressure to about 30 PSI. What I cannot get my head around is I though the 14CUX need approx 40PSI...
  14. P

    Side pipe... Neighbours HATE me!!!!!!!!

    Ha ha, I'm on about 8 mpg...... .....in transmission oil.......
  15. P

    Brain Teaser - EFI wiring issue

    Did you sort this? Funny enough I have just wired in Efi and have exactly same problemAAA
  16. P

    tune resistor

    Yeah what i figured, also I don't have lambdas I think this defaults too older stlye engine mapping, which gives richer mixture, and is not more biased around emissions...... will try first start, with Efi tomorrow - will let you know how I get on......
  17. P

    new fuse box

    Now that is is NICE! Wish I had known about that about 6 months ago when I rewired her. .... Good work and thanks for the heads up!
  18. P

    tune resistor

    Can I run 4.3 on 3.9 tune resistor? And what would happen if I was to try and start engine without one. Thanks again!
  19. P

    Side pipe... Neighbours HATE me!!!!!!!!

    DRIP!!!!!!!!!!! I have replaced g/box complete, axles (which are new, unused, still in original crates) engine, all has done 200 miles, and it still leaks like an effin sieve!!!!!!!!!! G/box is series 3 and has held up fine so far, mind you it gets treated very gently in first and second......
  20. P

    series 3 v8

    It will be a conversion, but to put your mind at ease, check engine and gearbox for conversion plate....