1. Terra Dog

    Temperature Gauge?

    Have to got any pics of one or it's location? Where will I find it? Cheers
  2. Terra Dog

    Temperature Gauge?

    Hi, I could do with some advice please. When ever i go on long journeys doing around 60mph - 75mph for a long time my temperature gauge decides to have a mind of it's own. It goes right across to past the red mark and generally just bounces about, then if I pull over and turn the engine off...
  3. Terra Dog

    Dash console

    Looking Good m8. I have a steel mud console in my ninety. Not as many switches as yours though.
  4. Terra Dog

    Anyone got a 200tdi injection pump?

    You could always give Liverridge 4x4 in Earlswood, Solihull, West Mids a call (a bit far I know) but if i remember rightly they fitted me one for £220. Whether that was because I use them alot I don't know but it's worth a call. Speak to Chris or Rob.
  5. Terra Dog

    What Voltage?

    Thanks MHM.
  6. Terra Dog

    What Voltage?

    Hi, could someone tell me what voltage my Defender battery should be reading with the ignition off. And also what should the alternator be kicking out when it's started? Cheers Terra Dog. P.S the battery is a long Halfrauds one. It looks the right size, i'm just having a few problems starting...
  7. Terra Dog

    How reliable/unreliable has your defender been?

    It's 90 200 tdi with 213,000 miles on the clock. What hasnt gone wrong with it, i've practically re biult the damn thing. But hey, it's been fun along the way.
  8. Terra Dog

    Starter motor? 90 200tdi 1993

    Have a look at my page about starter motor troubles. It took me 1 1/2 hour to get it off and 1 1/2 hours to put it on. You will have to take the exhaust down pipe off and the washer bottle to get it out which is done from above. There is a bolt holding it on which you can see from looking...
  9. Terra Dog

    Webasto Thermo Top C Advice Needed

    Oh i see, sounds good if its an every day car in the winter.
  10. Terra Dog

    Webasto Thermo Top C Advice Needed

    Hi, waht is a Webasto Thermo Top C parking heater?
  11. Terra Dog

    Starter Motor Removal.

    Hi folks, thanks for all the replys. I managed to get the starter off today in about 1 1/2 hours. Took me ages to find the top bolt, I kept looking under neath for it when i should have been looking straight over the top of the engine at the back. Managed to do it anyway, it wasnt that bad...
  12. Terra Dog

    Starter Motor Removal.

    OK thanks for that, i shall be giving it ago some time soon.
  13. Terra Dog

    Starter Motor Removal.

    Hi, I'm about to attemp to remove the starter motor on my 200tdi defender. I was wondering, i had a look earlier and could only see the bottom nut/bolt secureing it. How many bolts are holding it on and how many wires will i have to undo? Will it come out through the bottom or do i have to get...
  14. Terra Dog

    90 steering box

    Fixing a steering box yourself is a bitch of a job, it took me 10 hours over 2 days to change mine, and if you have a sump/steering gaurd fitted its even worse. They are quite heavy bit of kit to manouver into place on your own, if you are going to attempt it i would advise getting someone to...
  15. Terra Dog

    90 steering box

    I got quoted £240 to fit a recon box at liverridge 4x4 today, includes labour and the parts. Filling it with ATF Fluid won't stop the leak it will still keep leaking out. Driving it without any fluid will also knacker your Power Steering Pump aswell. Hope this helps.
  16. Terra Dog

    PAS Pumping Over?

    It was 2nd hand. Looks like i got ripped off. Must be a faulty box, because i cant see it being the pump if it never did it before, unless running the pump with no ATF in it when the old box broke has damaged it, god knows, it just an expensive proccess of elimination. F***ing thing does my head in.
  17. Terra Dog

    PAS Pumping Over?

    Not really no, it's just the normal landy whine when turning sometimes. I personally think it's the box beacause before the old box seals went it never did it before. I'm just dreading having the box changed again. I just wondred if anyone had ever experience this problem before.
  18. Terra Dog

    PAS Pumping Over?

    It doesnt come out of the hole in the cap until im actually driving the landy. If i turn the steering to full lock both ways on the spot it doesnt happen. So I would say it just oozes out cause there is no sign of sprayed ATF fluid under the bonnet and you can see it has run down the side of the...
  19. Terra Dog

    PAS Pumping Over?

    Hi all, i have recently changed the steering box on my Defender 200tdi. I have posted a similar thread before but got no answer to the problem which is why i'm posting again. Today I had all the ATF fluid drained and renewed hoping it would solve the problem, but no joy, the ATF keeps pumping...
  20. Terra Dog

    Power Steering Whine?

    I found out today that the fluid has got water in it, so I think that might be the problem. Cheers for the input.