Terra Dog

New Member
Hi all, i have recently changed the steering box on my Defender 200tdi. I have posted a similar thread before but got no answer to the problem which is why i'm posting again.

Today I had all the ATF fluid drained and renewed hoping it would solve the problem, but no joy, the ATF keeps pumping up through the air hole in the resovoir cap and is going everywhere.

Would this be down to the pump causing this or a faulty steering box? It never pumped over before until i changed the box?

Thanks Terra Dog
Have you got the pipes the right way round on the box ?? does it spray out the top or ooze out ?
It doesnt come out of the hole in the cap until im actually driving the landy. If i turn the steering to full lock both ways on the spot it doesnt happen. So I would say it just oozes out cause there is no sign of sprayed ATF fluid under the bonnet and you can see it has run down the side of the resovoir bottle.

It's driving me mad and there is oil all over the car park where the landy is sat.

Oh and the pipes were put the right way, it would be virtually impossible to put them the wrong way theyre rigid shaped pipe bent to go in a certain position.
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It was just an Idear with the wrong way round as you never know :D , only thing I can think of is there could be air in the system still or its over filled .
Does the PAS sound noisy , as in whine ?
Not really no, it's just the normal landy whine when turning sometimes. I personally think it's the box beacause before the old box seals went it never did it before. I'm just dreading having the box changed again. I just wondred if anyone had ever experience this problem before.
ummm was the box brand new or 2nd hand ? ( if it was new Id ring up where it came from ) but unfortunatly mate I cant think of anyhing else :( .
It was 2nd hand. Looks like i got ripped off. Must be a faulty box, because i cant see it being the pump if it never did it before, unless running the pump with no ATF in it when the old box broke has damaged it, god knows, it just an expensive proccess of elimination. F***ing thing does my head in.

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