1. W

    Tapping sound

    Back story A while ago before Christmas, i got a flat in work and had to get the RAC out who also checked my oil and said i had none. So i got 4 liters and filled her up with 4 more. And thought nothing off it, as i dont really use the old girl to often, and assumed it had all leaked out...
  2. W

    How many miles does your do a year??

    around 4k ish in mine but i only use it to go shops or to work when the weathers bad other wise I use my bike, most of the time.
  3. W

    Competition: win yourself a new defender!

    There are other links.
  4. W

    There must be a cheaper way

    Because people who do know how to fix things, think they know a secret magic that must never be shared and charge far to much. Plus i took it to bits to get the pulley off it before I realised it was useless on the new one. Its the same reason, a new pulley £70! for a 4 inch metal wheel......
  5. W

    There must be a cheaper way

    hehe, off this week so hoping to get it sorted.
  6. W

    There must be a cheaper way

    Thanks will have a look at cleaveland street, I spoke to the guy I know in work he said, he could boar out the hole in the middle on monday if needs be. Just a pain that sucha simple job has taken me two weeks, so far, and i dont belive how much they charge for a wheel that small.
  7. W

    There must be a cheaper way

    I replaced my alternator, and it turns out what i had was rear, the problem i have now is that the pully wheel does not fit the new one, as the spindle is diffrent the place i got the new one off says i need pully RTC5686 for the new one. Which is well and good but they are £60-70 quid for a...
  8. W

    How is your project coming along? How big is your done/to do list :D

    My list is a lot longer than yours, thou atm, the most important jobs, are get my new tyres fitted to the new rims sitting in the hall when the tyres turn up tomorrow, 20131006_122525 by Abhorsen The Final Death, on Flickr fit the new alternator, replace the windscreen seal, Replace the rear...
  9. W

    Before & after

    Very nice.
  10. W

    Tyers advice

    I have been thinking about this and was thinking i might be better off replacing my steel wheels with new ones as they are getting on, and the rac man said he thought the rim might be so bad on the spare that it was no longer keeping pressure. So can any one tell me what size these are...
  11. W

    Quick Alternator question

    So It i give up for the day, going to take the dam thing to work and put it in a vice on monday, took it apart and it has a slot at the end but i dont have a tool to take it part, 20131005_155424 by Abhorsen The Final Death, on Flickr
  12. W

    Quick Alternator question

    Photos all ways help 20131005_133515 by Abhorsen The Final Death, on Flickr 20131005_133457 by Abhorsen The Final Death, on Flickr
  13. W

    Quick Alternator question

    2.5 NA I had put a scre driver up in to the fan bit and had it on the floor, to stop the fan bit spinning round, which stopped the rotating, but maybe that was not stopping the correct bit. Maybe it was just turning the hole spindle in side that.
  14. W

    Quick Alternator question

    Ok next issue, new alternator does not have a pulley wheel on the front to mount the belt, and the old one even gripped in a vice when i turn it just turns and turns, relay hard to turn it but more feels like i am turning the hole unit to get it to trun, is the nack to getting the bolt undone to...
  15. W

    Quick Alternator question

    Just got back with the connectors will have a look and give it ago.
  16. W

    Quick Alternator question

    just swapping my Alternator over and the connectors to the new on are different so going to pop the shops and by some hoop connectors. 20131005_111644 by Abhorsen The Final Death, on Flickr I am guessing that i am just going to put the two thick brown wires to the one big nut on the right and...
  17. W

    Tyers advice

    Ok thanks, will order a new tube had a look this morning, for some and found some on line, new tubes it is.
  18. W

    Tyers advice

    Drove to work this morning to miss the rain this evening, and manged to drive over two nails, so by dinner time flat tyer, and my spare was down, had to get rac out who pumped it up. Now never having had tube tyers before the landy, so was woundering do i have to buy new tube/s now, for the one...
  19. W

    Wheel Arche Compatability

  20. W

    Wheel Arche Compatability

    Just a quick one my wheel arches are bit old and dented and cracked in places and was thinking of replacing them, but most of the ones around on flebay say fit all defenders. But in the compat cars say defenders from 1990 onwards, so was just woundering are defenders pre 1990 a diffrent shape...