1. H

    Land Rover Manuals

    Hi tinca They need to be viewed in Acrobat Reader 6.0, some get blocked so you might need to press your Ctrl button when you press on the link. I hope this helps
  2. H

    Land Rover Manuals

    Hi I'm sure you all know this, but I've been trying to find info about a 110 without the manual, and found an online version of all land rover owner manuals at www.ownerinfo.landrover.com Bye
  3. H

    Tyre pressures

    Hello I've just changed a tyre on my 110 and therefore checked the tyre pressure in the manual (first timer). The manual says 28 front and 48 rear, can this be right??? The spare was set at 33. L
  4. H

    Hi from Norwich!

    Hi fellow Norwich person I've a 110 V8 CSW, I did have a 90, but the chassis was like 'swiss cheese'; so I feel for your brother. My sister has a 110 too, she's full of good advice, she's a Norfolk lass too. She's regular to the forum, so keep typing!
  5. H

    1st Land Rover Paranoia

    Very good. I still can't see why red is a bad thing - Land Rover didn't think so.
  6. H

    1st Land Rover Paranoia

    Hi ormus What colour is it? Lis
  7. H

    1st Land Rover Paranoia

    Hello I have a red 110 V8 CSW, and although slightly faded, runs and climbs hills well. Jeremy Clarkson has a red defender in the SUB Zero part of the cool wall, does that make a difference? Lis
  8. H

    fuel gauge on 110 V8

    Hi Thanks for your comments. Regards Lis
  9. H

    Insurance help!!

    Hi Trouble I live in Norfolk and found a company in Norwich that insures my landie. It's called: 'It's4Me'. It costs me £18 per month for my 110 V8, fully comp. I have no modifications or off-roading aspirations, but you might want to give them a ring?? Hope this helps Lis
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    fuel gauge on 110 V8

    I apologise if this thread has been on the site before. I'm completely new to this. My 110 defender has a fuel gauge that reads 1/4 full, but the dash light flashes on!! Is this normal (I've not had the beast too long). And, does a V8 really drink that much petrol? I seem to be putting...