1. James1966

    Essex lanes

    Apparently they are under new management and will be opening again, give them a call he was a bit cagey when I spoke to him but said they will bo open again. Wht happend for the EA to get involved ?
  2. James1966

    Cumbria to essex and back

    good idea, I would never risk buying an engine from Basildon ;)
  3. James1966

    RIP Blacksheep offroad

    its a shame your packing it in as your service and products seem rather good, can you not down size a bit so less overheads, less work more spare time ?
  4. James1966

    New gearbox mounts- Vibration & the shakes!!

    you can change them with the box in place just jack it up a bit to take weight and swap the mounts out, you can do this with the round ones and also the later square type, they are only around £8 each for gen LR ones, the square ones are sided.
  5. James1966

    Radius arm mod, where?

    check trailing/radius arm bushes at both ends, normally the problem.
  6. James1966

    Finding TDC with the wrong flywheel

    used a dial guage down injector hole or plug hole before, just put a piece of bar down the most vertical hole and wait till guage stops, that should do the trick, get it close by using the rockers first.
  7. James1966

    Essex lanes

    take it off and soak it in a bucket of water for 5 minutes giving a spin from time to time might just be mud in the brushes, unless it has seized up ?
  8. James1966

    Essex lanes

    best way to check if you need an adj Panhard rod is measure axle posistion, is it in the middle of the chassis ? If it has been lifted then it may require one, just make sure you have used loads of threadlock on it have seen one come undone and then worn the threads and it came apart. Mine is a...
  9. James1966

    Essex lanes

    you keep picking laning days that I cant make !! those fords will be deep.
  10. James1966

    Essex lanes

    are they genuine bushes ? mine have been in for a around 2 years and still OK, non gen bushes can be rubbish and not last long, also use new nuts and bolts and tighten in the correct fashion/torque and all should be good. Polybushes in the panhard rod can sometimes allow grit in and wear...
  11. James1966

    Defender Steering Drop Arm - Removal

    fit the disco arm, then its just a trackrod end to change nice and simple :)
  12. James1966

    Free tea and cake in Nuneaton.

    they are such a poor idea, changed one once best way is box off cut arm off and fit with a disco one, they are track rod ends so the arm stays on the box for ever and you can just spin a new track rod end on with ease.
  13. James1966

    Windows instantly steaming up. Heater matrix??

    take the cover on the wing top off and check the drain hole is clear, they block and rainwater ends up in heater.
  14. James1966

    Woodburning Stove

    I am a chimney sweep and also fit/install stoves and chimney liners, please be carefull installing it yourself I see many a keen DIYer, engineer, builder etc fit them and some are death traps some are fitted well but not signed off so just as bad. Building control will sign them off if you pay...
  15. James1966

    Essex lanes

    is it earthed back to the battery ? live should go from battery to isolator to solenoid then to winch earth should also go all the way back to battery.
  16. James1966

    Essex lanes

    I will be done just as a bit of fun Geoff wont get you into anything your not comfortable with, you have a punch card attached to the passenger side of vehicle and then you have to get it in a posistion so you can punch the appropriate number on the card with the punch hanging on the string.Part...
  17. James1966

    Essex lanes

    just seen it, its a bit late now, have fun. Geoff do you fancy doing the punch hunt at Essex offroad sunday 17th ? you can drive I will do the running.
  18. James1966

    Essex lanes

    Check them more often then :D they get like that from running dry and over heating, use a good waterproof grease and only timken bearings and OE seals, when fitting the seal make sure you fit it to the correct depth it will state it on the seal (around 4.5mm) this is the rear hub seal, also make...
  19. James1966

    Timing Belt Inspection

    theres no point, if you are inspecting it just change it, by the time you have stripped enough back to get the cover off its almost job done new dayco belt and tensioner £50 a timing chest gasket and crank seals. Dont mix up the timing chest bolts, might as well do the water pump whilst you are...
  20. James1966

    Turbo?? Help

    Defender or disco , what size tyres are fitted ? maybe a bit overgeared turbo will be giving no boost at pull away.