Shame mate missed this sorry also wife's working nights so having the baby. I have recovery points front and rear yes indeed. Where is the truck Park?

17th I wanna get to the punch hunt to watch hopefully
I am now an official member of the Monster Truck Club :D

just seen it, its a bit late now, have fun.

Geoff do you fancy doing the punch hunt at Essex offroad sunday 17th ? you can drive I will do the running.

Hi James, never done one before but a few of the others were talking about going to watch, I,ll see if the other half has anything sorted if not i,ll do it with you, guess you know the score?
I should be going as winch bitch in my mates Defender, looking forward to it.

Anyone wanna sort a weekend laning trip soon?
I don't get to play during the week :(
Mate of mine is organising it, says standard trucks could have a go. I decided I'll wait till I've got a winch before I have a go
I had no idea what one was so looked it up and it seems lts like offroad orienteering, you have a card and there are places you need to get to and stamp the card but IIRC without getting out lol.

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